Linekdin: :" Rome was not built
in a day"...
Air exchange for kids during their swim
Chii Lin Leung Swimming
Instructor/ Coach
Hi everyone,
I not sure you have seen a similar situation like me.
I reliase that kids (around 7-8 years old) they have difficulty to breath when they swimming freestyle and only able to swim for short distance. (Their have a correct freestyle technique)
Same swimmers,they can swim breaststroke for longer distance but freestyle they not able to swim longer distance.
In my view is they have difficulty in breathing during freestyle.
Anyone can give me an answer why it's happen to some of the kids?
I reliase that kids (around 7-8 years old) they have difficulty to breath when they swimming freestyle and only able to swim for short distance. (Their have a correct freestyle technique)
Same swimmers,they can swim breaststroke for longer distance but freestyle they not able to swim longer distance.
In my view is they have difficulty in breathing during freestyle.
Anyone can give me an answer why it's happen to some of the kids?
- Cu 1 lună în urmă
ali alavi, Nicholas Ryan apreciază aceasta
25 de
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Director Grenada school of swimming
Some kids take longer to grab the freestyle concept.
The breaststroke you must come up every stroke and they are comfortable with
that. What i do when i have kids like that is to first get them to swim 25yds
and keep the face in as long as possible, only breathe when you really need to.
Then in the same session you ask to breathe every four strokes, that means they
breathe on one side. They would soon get comfortable with that so you can
eventually use both sides like 3, 5, and 7 strokes. I hope this helps
- Cu 1 lună în urmă
Professional Swim Coaching And Aquatic Programming Consultant
and Contractor
If they're having difficulty breathing for free it's a
technique issue. Put fins on them, get them rotating to the breath with one
eyeball under water. They'll be swimming 400's in no time.
- Cu 1 lună în urmă
Professional Swim Coaching And Aquatic Programming
Consultant and Contractor
Are you in a 50 meter pool?
Swimming Instructor/ Coach
Hi, thank you everyone.
My long distance mean they even can't finish 25m-50m in freestyle. But breaststroke they can swim non stop up to 100m
Yes. Now I am making them to do 4 stroke one breath,and slowly increase their ability to swim longer.
Using fins is a good idea too:)
Thank you
My long distance mean they even can't finish 25m-50m in freestyle. But breaststroke they can swim non stop up to 100m
Yes. Now I am making them to do 4 stroke one breath,and slowly increase their ability to swim longer.
Using fins is a good idea too:)
Thank you
Swimming Instructor/ Coach
Thank you everyone.
My long distance mean they cannot able finish 25-50m.
My long distance mean they cannot able finish 25-50m.
Dan Lynch
Swim Stroke Doctor, Director
what is their body position?
- Cu 1 lună în urmă
Swimming Instructor/ Coach
Their body position is ok. Technique is not that bad.
But the only problem is can't swim long distance in freestyle compare to
breast! Btw,the kids only have 2lesson a week and one lesson is only half an
pensionar, in weekend la Tenis Club 2000, Bucharest
I regret much that can not speak English as you ...
but at almost 80 years of my hard it is learned and why I use google translate.
I'm on the edge of the pool from an early age and I always thought swimming as an art - 'the art of breathing' .....
I try to share breathing problems into two categories: one related to the act of breathing itself [its phase sequence - Inspiration, Sleep Apnea, exhale] in the presence of water is a factor that can alter their natural sequences of (A) and category issues swimming technique each process [in a way to breathe Breastroke or Dolfin, otherwise the Crawl and even backstroke] which, besides the problem stated above [water as a risk factor] is added and the leagte biomechanical movements of the related coordination + good floating position, which together lead to an optimal forward (B).[to be continue]
I'm on the edge of the pool from an early age and I always thought swimming as an art - 'the art of breathing' .....
I try to share breathing problems into two categories: one related to the act of breathing itself [its phase sequence - Inspiration, Sleep Apnea, exhale] in the presence of water is a factor that can alter their natural sequences of (A) and category issues swimming technique each process [in a way to breathe Breastroke or Dolfin, otherwise the Crawl and even backstroke] which, besides the problem stated above [water as a risk factor] is added and the leagte biomechanical movements of the related coordination + good floating position, which together lead to an optimal forward (B).[to be continue]
- Cu 1 lună în urmă
Dan Lynch apreciază aceasta
pensionar, in weekend la Tenis Club 2000, Bucharest
The first category will give a very eloquent example: do so – in the land, in the pool dryland or even in the bed ..., try to pull, to breathe the air as you would in water .. and then do it blow entirely but only half of the air you breathe; Repeat this 3-4 times and you will be ‘suffocate’. In fact you have not made any effort but appeared respiratory discomfort. In the water can repeat the same thing and that's why you hear many saying 'I can not swim, I’m tired', they have tired ‘ofeffort’ but because of alteration phases Breathe in and out; conclude my example in this category of problems with the urge to try to explain Beginners [sometimes and advanced ...] that "golden rule" of swimming so requires "inhale one ‘kilogram’of air and exhale, entire, all one kilogram "otherwise discomfort will occur very soon and performance technique will suffer.
The second category of problems breathing, ie carrying out movements in the company overall coordination may include, Motor skill problems [correct technique can only be achieved when between breathing, alternative or concomitant movements and correct position ... there is a good combination thereof that may allow an optimal glyde [in this subject we can write 2-3 books], then problems occur effort itself in the company of Quantitative indicators [volume swimming, distance proposed to be swimming , etc...] and Qualitative indicators [intensity, tempo size, speed in m. / sec., etc.]; these latter problems are very different from age to another, or to a degree of experience driving in water ['age swimming'], at another level, depending on the training session which is a swimmer at a time given.[to be continue]
The first category will give a very eloquent example: do so – in the land, in the pool dryland or even in the bed ..., try to pull, to breathe the air as you would in water .. and then do it blow entirely but only half of the air you breathe; Repeat this 3-4 times and you will be ‘suffocate’. In fact you have not made any effort but appeared respiratory discomfort. In the water can repeat the same thing and that's why you hear many saying 'I can not swim, I’m tired', they have tired ‘ofeffort’ but because of alteration phases Breathe in and out; conclude my example in this category of problems with the urge to try to explain Beginners [sometimes and advanced ...] that "golden rule" of swimming so requires "inhale one ‘kilogram’of air and exhale, entire, all one kilogram "otherwise discomfort will occur very soon and performance technique will suffer.
The second category of problems breathing, ie carrying out movements in the company overall coordination may include, Motor skill problems [correct technique can only be achieved when between breathing, alternative or concomitant movements and correct position ... there is a good combination thereof that may allow an optimal glyde [in this subject we can write 2-3 books], then problems occur effort itself in the company of Quantitative indicators [volume swimming, distance proposed to be swimming , etc...] and Qualitative indicators [intensity, tempo size, speed in m. / sec., etc.]; these latter problems are very different from age to another, or to a degree of experience driving in water ['age swimming'], at another level, depending on the training session which is a swimmer at a time given.[to be continue]
- Cu 1 lună în urmă
Dan Lynch apreciază aceasta
pensionar, in weekend la Tenis Club 2000, Bucharest
I conclude with the following remarks: young children should not swim long distances with asymmetric technique / alternative motion = Crawl [backstroke is easier to process, and therefore 'German school' recommended to start learning swimming sports with this process]; beginners can swim longer distances with symmetrical / concomitent movement techniques [Breastroke, Dolfin ... or combinations with this] .
I recommend you do the beginners to continue to breathe in the water like 'dolphin', the most different situations and positions [depth jumping, squatting floating, floating spread, execute [easiest] 'raft down' to the pool .. . and each would have commented [ I regret, a network Linkedin allows atasharea graphics, a simple picture can replace 1000 words ..]
I wish you success ...
I conclude with the following remarks: young children should not swim long distances with asymmetric technique / alternative motion = Crawl [backstroke is easier to process, and therefore 'German school' recommended to start learning swimming sports with this process]; beginners can swim longer distances with symmetrical / concomitent movement techniques [Breastroke, Dolfin ... or combinations with this] .
I recommend you do the beginners to continue to breathe in the water like 'dolphin', the most different situations and positions [depth jumping, squatting floating, floating spread, execute [easiest] 'raft down' to the pool .. . and each would have commented [ I regret, a network Linkedin allows atasharea graphics, a simple picture can replace 1000 words ..]
I wish you success ...
- Cu 1 lună în urmă
Swim Stroke Doctor, Director
I agree with Mircea Olaru.
Get the body position right, and be sure to exhale in the water. Im sure that
you will find success with your students. Rome was not built in a day, and the
students don't have much class time as you have noted. Teach technique.
- Cu 1 lună în urmă
XL Extralight® / SKWIM® USA / International SKWIM®
Certification / Rescue-Lifesaving Devices / Seating / Foam Creations
also, be patient. Kids at that age are anatomically
built different than adults and need to rotate a bit more to achieve the same
results in side breathing. Fins are a great idea because it helps youth glide
and allows their arms and neck to relax more. It allows them to slow down the
arm pace and take more time for the breathe. They also do not have the same
ratio of air volume as an adult nor the same mature system to process oxygen.
Asking them to breath less often is simple going to fatigue them more. Work
with fins more, gliding, and rotation drills physiologically
- Cu 1 lună în urmă
pensionar, in weekend la Tenis Club 2000
I like much this sentence:"
Rome was not built in a day"... Swimming must benefit PATIENCE. Hi Dan....
- Cu 29 de zile în urmă
XL Extralight® / SKWIM® USA / International SKWIM®
Certification / Rescue-Lifesaving Devices / Seating / Foam Creations
woops...too late last night to finish my thought -
fell asleep at the wheel, sorry...
Work with fins maybe 50% of the time to give them more glide and lift to breathe. Yes, and rotation drills with fins are much easier! Have them learn with fins to roll to a backstroke from a crawl for 3 strokes each then either back the same way or continue the roll to crawl. Clockwise and counter clockwise. They learn this way the mechanics of roll and the degrees of engagement and commitment. This will teach them hydrodynamics in partial roll to breathe and full roll to transition to back or crawl again. This is much easier to apply with the extra performance of the fins. Naturally I recommend PDF fins because they effectively allow for the natural supination of the foot in the ventral phase of the flutter kick and effective for all 4 strokes.
Often times, to best master a particular technique, you must first explore more advanced technique beyond the skill at hand. Once your youth learn the primary skills to fluidly roll from crawl, to back, to crawl again in rhythm, they will suddenly find themselves to be masters at crawl breathing!
Work with fins maybe 50% of the time to give them more glide and lift to breathe. Yes, and rotation drills with fins are much easier! Have them learn with fins to roll to a backstroke from a crawl for 3 strokes each then either back the same way or continue the roll to crawl. Clockwise and counter clockwise. They learn this way the mechanics of roll and the degrees of engagement and commitment. This will teach them hydrodynamics in partial roll to breathe and full roll to transition to back or crawl again. This is much easier to apply with the extra performance of the fins. Naturally I recommend PDF fins because they effectively allow for the natural supination of the foot in the ventral phase of the flutter kick and effective for all 4 strokes.
Often times, to best master a particular technique, you must first explore more advanced technique beyond the skill at hand. Once your youth learn the primary skills to fluidly roll from crawl, to back, to crawl again in rhythm, they will suddenly find themselves to be masters at crawl breathing!
- Cu 29 de zile în urmă
Eduard Ferrer Flamarich
Técnico deportivo y comercial
Hi everybody,
Look at the breath. Pay attention to inspire through the mouth and nose expire. Made exercises with these objectives. At this age they haven't enough coordination at the time to breathe, to perform successfully in a style and not in another.
Look at the breath. Pay attention to inspire through the mouth and nose expire. Made exercises with these objectives. At this age they haven't enough coordination at the time to breathe, to perform successfully in a style and not in another.
- Cu 29 de zile în urmă
Dr Richard N., Sue Pryor apreciază aceasta
Recreation Program Coordinator at Ithaca Youth Bureau
In addition to the body positioning comments, I would
also add that a lot of kids still are not 100% comfortable putting their faces
in the water. You can help them by using snorkels during warm up and working on
proper body/ head rotation during your drilling segments of you workouts.
- Cu 28 de zile în urmă
Dr Richard N. apreciază aceasta
Owner at Sue Pryor swimming
Playing air exchange games also helps them to relax
with it. sit on the bottom of the pool and exhale then jump up, inhale and
submerge again to repeat the process. Encourage longer, slower breaths out each
time and check that they are exhaling slowly and continuously, rather than hold
their breath and then blow bits of air out. As said previously, check full
exhalation but in a fun situation.
- Cu 28 de zile în urmă
Dr Richard N. apreciază aceasta
Pilot at United Airlines
I've been a bit of a lurker here, but I finally feel
like I can actively participate. I am the assistant coach on a team we've built
from about 10 swimmers to around 90, and now my youngest son has finally joined
the team. He seems to have the same problem as discussed above and the inputs
and suggestions are fantastic!! As his father, I know he has long had a fear of
getting his face wet. As one of his coaches, I can see how this affects his
body position, his air exchange etc. We have been trying some of the above
ideas with a number of our less experienced swimmers and hearing the group's
ideas gives me confidence when explaining our methods to their parents. So my
"2 cents": In the workouts, I try to include a number of games/drills
from ASCA's "How to Coach 8 & Unders". The children think they
are playing, but they are learning skills one step at a time. Especially for
hesitant children like my son, we break down the progression into easy basic
steps. My son's air exchange isn't great yet, but he now loves diving into the
deep end. Thanks all!!
- Cu 27 de zile în urmă
Sue Pryor apreciază aceasta
Swim coach at Sport northland
All children should be taught that when the face is in
the water there is exhalation. I teach learners to go under and exhale slowly
to the count of "tahi, rua, toru, wha." That is 1, 2, 3, 4 in Maori
so it is not too fast! They use mouth - then the nose - then both. From then on
each time the head is under they are automatically exhaling. If a swimmer holds
their breath they become fatigued. 4 stroke breathing F/S is good for learners
- gives the instructor time to assess body roll and check technique.
- Cu 27 de zile în urmă
swapan M. apreciază aceasta
Swimming Instructor at American International School -
Hi Chii, my previous comments was exhalation in the
water, and some switch drills for breathing technique and body position during
their swimming.
I teach the kids first,
1. blow small and take a small breath, not a big blow and big breath,
2. then teach kick and breath with kick board
3. Hands by side Kick and breath
4. stream line kick breath
5. some switch drills such as 10 / 6 / 3 kick 1pull switch, (flutter kick)
make sure during switch him / her face in the water, looking down and exhaling in to the water.
6. right arm stroke left side breath, left arm stroke right side breath, by length
hope if you follow this technique then your kids will learn better breathing and swimming technique.
I teach the kids first,
1. blow small and take a small breath, not a big blow and big breath,
2. then teach kick and breath with kick board
3. Hands by side Kick and breath
4. stream line kick breath
5. some switch drills such as 10 / 6 / 3 kick 1pull switch, (flutter kick)
make sure during switch him / her face in the water, looking down and exhaling in to the water.
6. right arm stroke left side breath, left arm stroke right side breath, by length
hope if you follow this technique then your kids will learn better breathing and swimming technique.
o Cu 26 de zile în urmă
Sue Pryor apreciază aceasta
Senior Blue Lead Coach at GO Kingfish Swim Club
Just a thought... little kids have little lungs :-)
What might be considered normal for a 12 year old can be considered extremely
difficult for a 7 year old. Think: when you are tiny wee, the end of that pool
is a really long distance, compared to someone 5' tall. While yes, we need to
make sure swimmers have a balanced stroke (the real reason for bilateral
breathing, by the way) we also need to keep size to distance ratios in
perspective. When running longer distances, we breathe every stroke and still
gain lovely cardio benefits, correct?
So why this insistence on longer breathing patterns with under-developed longs due to age? Treat it like running and teach them to breathe on both sides, to ensure proper stroke development, do short distances bilateral (under 15 metres) and keep it in perspective. As the body grows, longer breathing patterns be established to habit levels. teach in through the mouth, out through the nose and mouth and remember Things Take Time :-)
So why this insistence on longer breathing patterns with under-developed longs due to age? Treat it like running and teach them to breathe on both sides, to ensure proper stroke development, do short distances bilateral (under 15 metres) and keep it in perspective. As the body grows, longer breathing patterns be established to habit levels. teach in through the mouth, out through the nose and mouth and remember Things Take Time :-)
o Cu 2 zile în urmă
Dan Lynch apreciază aceasta
Coach at Montfort Park Water PoloClub
As we know children in different countries learn
different strokes first and some are OK and some do not have a lot of co
ordination - without a doubt doing strokes simultaneously is much easier for
some children and my experience is those who are comfy with breast first do
lack the ability to roll easy. We play "spin kick" so they kick
streamline keeping arms and body tight then roll still staying tight onto back
for a few seconds then onto front until the reach the end of the length. This
helps them learn about not sagging and sticking bottom out when trying to
breath with free
o Cu 1 zi în urmă
Dan Lynch apreciază aceasta
Director at world of Swimming, Non Profit
They are tense when they swim freestyle. It's obvious.
Do with them a lot of dolphin kicks to relax them. Same reason why they swim
breaststroke good . They are not relaxed.
o Cu 11 ore în urmă
pensionar, in weekend la Tenis Club 2000, Bucharest.
Shortly:> the Law of
swimming = swimming is the art of breating : that mean : in you inhal 1 kg. air
you must expir 1 kg. air !!!
La Multi Ani 2015 !!!
o Cu 11 ore în urmă
Entraîneur de natation chez C N M (head coach)
I agree with Mircea Olaru
o Cu 25 de minute în urmă

Werner (Răspuns trimis)
Dear Mircea, I remember
your name and your participation in international swimming events long ago.
Good to hear from you now for an old...
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