Dr Richard Norris
Founder at Leading Men Only. The #1 resource for men in leadership. Speaker
& coach on self-leadership & men leadership Contributor de marcă
As I understand it some
have swimmers stretch cold before they get in the pool and some prefer to have
them stretch after a warm-up. In my experience, I find myself more able to
stretch after a a 5-10minute warm-up.
- Cu 18 zile în urmă
Stephanie Millward, Glenn Smith apreciază aceasta
21 de comentarii
Merv Grewar
Boilerperson/handiperson - swimming instructor/Coach - Past Water Safety
Officer for the region - Past Swim Pool Manager
oops - spelling mistake....pool hiring
Dr Richard N. apreciază aceasta
Jane & Terry Logan
Coach at Montfort Park Water PoloClub
Hi Merv,
My Masters call my Back drills water boarding but my kids call it fun! We do a "military medley to develop chore and keep us flexible. For my kids I start with sunbathing where we rest our head on our hands and kick, then salute where we tap the top of our leg, salute and stretch above and behind entering directly behind the shoulder slow motion maintaining flat body (no baggy buns) and holding position to feel the stretch, then tag where we kick holding a flat body whilst arms are above the chest rotating one arm at a time then tag so the next arm can go and lastly we march kick holding flat body and move arms continuously from waterline to waterline - left arm goes leg over to behind shoulder whilst right arm does the opposite from behind shoulder over to leg! These drills improve their body position as well as chore and flexibility.
My Masters call my Back drills water boarding but my kids call it fun! We do a "military medley to develop chore and keep us flexible. For my kids I start with sunbathing where we rest our head on our hands and kick, then salute where we tap the top of our leg, salute and stretch above and behind entering directly behind the shoulder slow motion maintaining flat body (no baggy buns) and holding position to feel the stretch, then tag where we kick holding a flat body whilst arms are above the chest rotating one arm at a time then tag so the next arm can go and lastly we march kick holding flat body and move arms continuously from waterline to waterline - left arm goes leg over to behind shoulder whilst right arm does the opposite from behind shoulder over to leg! These drills improve their body position as well as chore and flexibility.
Dr Richard N. apreciază aceasta
Dr Richard Norris
Founder at Leading Men Only. The #1 resource for men in leadership. Speaker
& coach on self-leadership & men leadership
Contribuitor de marcă
Thanks Jane and Merv. Visuals like photos and videos would really help
here. I work with age-groupers too so I can relate to Merv issues. What is also
important is to educate the parents on the importance of stretching.
pensionar, in weekend la Tenis Club 2000
Hi Richi, If you have trainig in water..., before this, you must make
dry-warming, some ex. for general warming(fitness) and more, more ex. for
Flexibility(!!!); in case special, lesons for Power, Speed or
Circuit-training/'Kreiss training'[german], without water, you mus 'forget'
special ex. for mobility [only for relax/compensation, after land general
efort...etc.] [sorry for my poor english, i have only read practice..+ also I'm
near a 80 old......]. Have a Nice New year 2015 !
- Cu 1 zi în urmă
Dr Richard N. apreciază aceasta
Merv Grewar
Boilerperson/handiperson - swimming instructor/Coach - Past Water Safety
Officer for the region - Past Swim Pool Manager
Thanks for the remarks both Rich and Jane. It is interesting how we come up
with our own little methods and unless we share them they remain a filed away
in our own little cupboards and just what Jane has mentioned becomes something
especially for those new to coaching to try with their kids - kids are always
up for new things. Sorry Rich, but what you have mentioned I have tried and in
many different ways - you can appreciate that being in a pool for over 40 years
I am considered "Mr swimming" and that is not a boast, just a fact. I
keep up with all the latest and now especially with internet - I used to do it
by morse code, talking with people such as Doc Councilman. I have a good
relationship with my parents but it only takes one to instigate a
"strike". And also I consider as my time is limited with the kids
that my knowledge should be used there at the coal face. Interestingly, we used
to have coaches Secretaries who did all the extraneous un-coaching stuff but
that disappeared in times of low coaching numbers. It is also a problem that we
are strictly amateur and coaches are not paid and kids are only charged club
fees which are mainly absorbed by pool hire and affiliation fees to the
national body - so you can see my problem. It means nothing but by the way I
too am a Doc. Oops - another point. When I did my original coaching Dip. part
of it was psychology - sadly to say, in our country it has now been taken out
of the Coaching certification as I have always considered it highly important
to handling charges and their respective handlers - Oh well, maybe that is
Merv Grewar
Boilerperson/handiperson - swimming instructor/Coach - Past Water Safety
Officer for the region - Past Swim Pool Manager
I shake hands with you Mircea - I am 79 and just started my 80th year - I
am sure my kids keep me fit and healthy just being around them....cheers for
2015 and many more to you.
- Cu 1 zi în urmă
Dr Richard N. apreciază aceasta
Dr Richard Norris
Founder at Leading Men Only. The #1 resource for men in leadership. Speaker
& coach on self-leadership & men leadership
Contribuitor de marcă
Thanks Merv and Mircea. I applaud your commitment. I swam competitively for
23 years and am only now entering back into the swimming world.
I agree Merv that it takes but one strike as you put it. That applies in business too. One unhappy person tells 9 or more others, whereas happy people may tell 3.
It's natural for parents to want what's best for their kids. Kids just want to do stuff. Yes. Psychology is so important. I use my neurolinguistic programming and leadership coaching skills wherever they are needed.
All that said, we need to ensure what's best for our athletes and work with the resources and limitations we have and make the most of them.
I agree Merv that it takes but one strike as you put it. That applies in business too. One unhappy person tells 9 or more others, whereas happy people may tell 3.
It's natural for parents to want what's best for their kids. Kids just want to do stuff. Yes. Psychology is so important. I use my neurolinguistic programming and leadership coaching skills wherever they are needed.
All that said, we need to ensure what's best for our athletes and work with the resources and limitations we have and make the most of them.
- Cu 1 zi în urmă
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