B.E.S.T. =
Formula BEST = IPA - {Nr. Seconds (Time) + Nr. Movements (Stroke)} / 50m.
The concept B.E.S.T. aphorism has originally the meaning 'Festina Lente' "Hurry slowly" {Suetonius "Life of 12 Caesarus "}.
The famous aphorism may have when swimming, a significant application - 'swim highest speed - using the fewest moves' = efficiency, maximum efficiency.
This scheme calls for making the correct moves swimmer swimming technique is poor when the number of movements will increase and so will decrease the amount of benefit BEST!
Swimming so it can get a high yield movement. Basically athlete development, is a unique blend between 'performance' (50m speed - Time) and 'Mastery' - the most accurate technique to cover the distance of 50m.
Performing on the distance of 50m it is not too complicated but having the correct technique is already directly endeavor to swim irreproachable. Many people know to swim ... but not everyone can swim right .... !!!
* This climate can lead swimmer orientation towards a possible 'beauty contest' Swimming -designed differently, differently than classical performance, strict, no matter how accomplished, as happens in official competitions .. (see maximal effort, the use of illegal means, doping ... etc.!).
Note subjectivity inherent in any competition 'beauty' can get a genuine spirit of fair play by organizing series of perfectly equal competition in almost equal values of the index using IPA ..
This equality can be evaluated mathematically using IPA criteria (ie personal value, constant, calculated annually), so the race will take place between swimmers conceptually equal or almost equal biomotor (IPA).
the BEST-Concept (published in the 'EFS Magasine', No 3/1983, Bucharest) could be part of the official sports activities swimming System {Age groups, Masters Competitions, etc.}
Relations between 'effort' and 'technical', closely followed, indicating that these two categories are directly influencing one another. It is known that fatigue damages ... technical execution, and "correct technique" does not produce fatigue!
When swimming, since this is a sports complex combination (effort / technical) amine relationships should be carefully planned so directed by exercising, deeper, to one side (only the 'effort' or not, only the 'art') not to bring disruption in the evolution of a willing swimmer to swim faster and better.
In these circumstances it is interesting requirement for coaches to exclude the temptation to force preparing children [with effort in preparing Seniors] by programming, use some type of 'effort', at optimum level acceptable for the pre-puberty period - in the company of benefits 'technique' of the highest quality.
This optimal climate is found in the concept of methodological, organizational, suggestively called 'BEST' (abbreviation for The Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test) which represents an innovative approach to testing the technical capacity of an individual who wants to know exactly, mathematically, where he arrived in its shares reaching a certain perfection forward in the water.
Swimming optimal efficiency is achieved when trying to achieve a higher speed of the movement in company economy, that is,
'the highest speed - the fewest moves' ...!
according to the formula:
BEST = IPA minus {No. Seconds + No. Movements} / 50m.
Applying this behavior if the water gives the performer advance certain that proper technique is especially suitable personal capacity of effort; preparing children for compliance 'formula', we forbid overload (hasty executions, forced, "first at all costs ...") and requires the use of optimal effort (long tempo, sliding track, rowing powerful and accurate : i.e. - the correct technique).
The concept B.E.S.T. aphorism has originally the meaning 'Festina Lente' "Hurry slowly" {Suetonius "Life of 12 Caesarus "}.
The famous aphorism may have when swimming, a significant application - 'swim highest speed - using the fewest moves' = efficiency, maximum efficiency.
This scheme calls for making the correct moves swimmer swimming technique is poor when the number of movements will increase and so will decrease the amount of benefit BEST!
Swimming so it can get a high yield movement. Basically athlete development, is a unique blend between 'performance' (50m speed - Time) and 'Mastery' - the most accurate technique to cover the distance of 50m.
Performing on the distance of 50m it is not too complicated but having the correct technique is already directly endeavor to swim irreproachable. Many people know to swim ... but not everyone can swim right .... !!!
* This climate can lead swimmer orientation towards a possible 'beauty contest' Swimming -designed differently, differently than classical performance, strict, no matter how accomplished, as happens in official competitions .. (see maximal effort, the use of illegal means, doping ... etc.!).
Note subjectivity inherent in any competition 'beauty' can get a genuine spirit of fair play by organizing series of perfectly equal competition in almost equal values of the index using IPA ..
This equality can be evaluated mathematically using IPA criteria (ie personal value, constant, calculated annually), so the race will take place between swimmers conceptually equal or almost equal biomotor (IPA).
the BEST-Concept (published in the 'EFS Magasine', No 3/1983, Bucharest) could be part of the official sports activities swimming System {Age groups, Masters Competitions, etc.}
Relations between 'effort' and 'technical', closely followed, indicating that these two categories are directly influencing one another. It is known that fatigue damages ... technical execution, and "correct technique" does not produce fatigue!
When swimming, since this is a sports complex combination (effort / technical) amine relationships should be carefully planned so directed by exercising, deeper, to one side (only the 'effort' or not, only the 'art') not to bring disruption in the evolution of a willing swimmer to swim faster and better.
In these circumstances it is interesting requirement for coaches to exclude the temptation to force preparing children [with effort in preparing Seniors] by programming, use some type of 'effort', at optimum level acceptable for the pre-puberty period - in the company of benefits 'technique' of the highest quality.
This optimal climate is found in the concept of methodological, organizational, suggestively called 'BEST' (abbreviation for The Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test) which represents an innovative approach to testing the technical capacity of an individual who wants to know exactly, mathematically, where he arrived in its shares reaching a certain perfection forward in the water.
Swimming optimal efficiency is achieved when trying to achieve a higher speed of the movement in company economy, that is,
'the highest speed - the fewest moves' ...!
according to the formula:
BEST = IPA minus {No. Seconds + No. Movements} / 50m.
Applying this behavior if the water gives the performer advance certain that proper technique is especially suitable personal capacity of effort; preparing children for compliance 'formula', we forbid overload (hasty executions, forced, "first at all costs ...") and requires the use of optimal effort (long tempo, sliding track, rowing powerful and accurate : i.e. - the correct technique).
BEST Definision
Difinisions du BEST
Definitii BEST
1. The corect swim-technique means the efficiency of the movements in the water; it can be calculated by this way: add the number of the Seconds(Time) and the number of the Stroke-cicles (by 50m) and this sume will be extracted from the other constant sume the value of the Index of the Personal Gliding (IPG). That mean the BEST formule ist so: IPG – {’T’ + ’S’}
1. The corect swim-technique means the efficiency of the movements in the water; it can be calculated by this way: add the number of the Seconds(Time) and the number of the Stroke-cicles (by 50m) and this sume will be extracted from the other constant sume the value of the Index of the Personal Gliding (IPG). That mean the BEST formule ist so: IPG – {’T’ + ’S’}
1. La
tehnique corecte de la nage implique l’efficience du mouvement dans l’eau.
’’Tester l’efficience / l’efficacite biomecanique dans l’eau’’ [
Efficiency Swimming Test – B.E.S.T.
....] ce calcule comme suit:
- aditioner le
temps (’T’) au les mouvement (par 50m) (’M’), la
somme se deduit d’une valeur constante l’Indice Personel de Glisse (I.P.G.) c’este a dire, la formule BEST: IPG – [’T’+’M’] = ...offre le meilleur resultat, (points BEST).
1. Die
korrekte Technik setzt eine effiziente Fortbewegung im Wasser voraus...”Testen
der biomechanischen
Effizienz beim Schwimmen” (best) Diese
wird wie folgt berechnet: wir addieren die zwei Werte (”Zeit” und ”Züge”); die
Summe wird aus einer Konstante Persönlicher Gleit Index (PGI). D.h.: { 100/PGI } – { Zeit + Züge } =........BEST punkte.
1. Tehnica corecta
inseamna eficienta de miscare in
eficientei biomecanice la inot”(BEST) se calculeaza astfel:
‘timpul’(‘T’) cu ‘vaslirile’(‘V’) suma
lor o scad dintr-o valoare
Personal de Alunecare (IPA). adica - IPA – { Ttimp + Vasliri } = ...BEST puncte
2/The objectivity of the ‘best formula’ results
from this new exercise of logic: ‘we add two value (Time+Stroke), this values have their sense
descendent (!)…, and, after we
substrate this sum from one constant value IPG
In this mod
we can obtain (very easy, by mental way) the supreme value of the swimming
2. La
logique du BEST et son objectivite: J’additionne deux valeurs, deux quantites , le Temps ’T’. et le mouvement ’M’.
(des cicles de bras – pour
Libre et pour le Dos 2 bras alternative, pour Brasse et pour Papillon une cicle
concomitente, seulmant), cette 2 valeur qui ont un sens (desirable...!) decroissants
et apres je deduis de la valeur constante (anterieur calcule) IPG’] et j’obtiens (tres
facile et vite / by mental way...) la valeur de la prestation
dans l’eau.
2/ Die Objektivität des Konzeptes und der Formel ”BEST” baut auf
die folgende Logik auf: „ wir addieren zwei Größen, (Zeit +
* die
einen absteigenden Sinn verzeichnen. Diese werden nachher
von der Konstante „PGI” abgezogen. Das Ergebnis (einfach + schnell
/ mental way...) stellt den Wert der Leistung im Wasser dar.
2/ Obiectivitatea
conceptului si a formulei
‘BEST’ rezida din urmatoarea logica: ‘adun doua marimi, (timpul / ’T’ +
vaslirile / ’V’) care au sens
descrescator(!), - dupa care,
le scad din constanta ‘IPA’ si obtin (facil + repede / mental way ...) valoarea prestatiei in apa’.
3/The index
personal of gliding (IPG) is lake a ‘credit card’ (the validity is minimum one year): with this IPG we can
organize the series of the race in perfect ‘faire-play’ (indifferent of the age) the competitors with same or
appropriate values will be introduce in the same series …the periodical calcul of this IPG formula is found
with regarding to the hydrodynamics principle (Reynolds+Froude), so:
‘’from the value of the maximum longer of
the body (ventral float position)(L.) we will substrate the sum of the Nr. of Kgr.
(weight) with the Q. (nr. of cm. of the circumference of the upper thorax in
deep expiration). ‘L.’– ( ‘Kgr.’ + ‘Q.’)
3. L’indice de
la Glisse dans l’eau (IPG)
este une valeur constante,
un card banquare, qui le calcule annuellement: ’L.’ - la somme resulte par addition de
’Kgr.’+ ’Q.’, c’est a dire: [ L. - [ Kgr. + Q ] = la valeur anuelle plus
constante de IPG en points....
’L.’ – longuer maximale du corp entierre (la possision fondamentale de
nage- planche de flotation du corp sur le ventre ou sur le dos verrifie
’Kgr.’ - Kilogrames du corp, sur terre;
’Q.’ – le diametre en cm. de la cage thoracique en expir profonde, et
le resultat
de cette formule que l’on nomme – Indice Personel de Glisse (IPG) dans l’eau,
avec ses point et d’une valeur constante, annuelle.
3/ „Der Persönliche
Gleitindex” (PGI
ist wie eine Kreditkarte, die 1
Jahr gültig ist (kard-annual)). „L” = die maximale Körperlänge / ventral float
position; „kgr” = das Gewicht in Kilogramm
+ „Q” = Durchmesser/cm des oberen Brustkorbabschnittes bei tiefer Ausatmung
3/“Indicele Personal de Alunecare” (IPA este ca un kard-annual)
astfel :‘L.’ – (kgr. + Q), in care -
‘L.’ = lungimea maxima a corpului / pluta intinsa, ventral din care se scade suma ’Nr.Kgr.’ (greutatea in kilograme) + ‘Q.’ = diametrul / cm. subaxilar in expiratie profunda = the “Index
of Personal Gliding “ (IPG)
valability of the Index Personal of Gliding (IPG) results from that – all criteria selected to make the series for
the challenge was selected from the normal natural selection:
*when the longer of the body is big…
*when the
weight of the body is light...
when the
frontal section of the body is small
the float,
the gliding and the swimming speed will be more efficiency to advance better
withone correct technique !
* 4. L’application (calculation) annuelle du kard IPG –non
peliee du
genne, et de l’age du suject (!), sont donnes comme une unique
pour departager / organiser les eventuellle competitions (des
series avec une real ’fraire-play’) de concurs de ’excelence tehnique de nage’ par 50m, car
ce sont les criteres
induits par la selection
- plus
que le corp est long .....
- plus
que le corp est leger....
- plus
que le corp est etroit ....
corp peut glisse et avance plus bien, plus efficace !
4/ Die Gültigkeit des „kard-annual” (PGI – Persönlicher
unabhängig von Geschlecht oder Alter der Angewiesenen..., ist darauf zurückzuführen:
die Kriterien, die ausgewählt wurden, um zu
bestimmen, inwiefern die „annual kard” als Instrument zur
von Leistungen oder Veranstaltung von Schwimm-
Wettkämpfen verwendet werden kann, gehen auf die natürliche
Auswahl zurück:
je länger ein Körper ist (l.),
je leichter ein Körper ist (kgr),
je schmaler ein Körper ist (q.),
effizienter wird er schwimmen, gleiten oder sich im Wasser fortbewegen.
aplicabilitatea ‘annual kard-(ului)’(IPG – Index of Personal Gliding ), indiferent de varsta subiectilor …,
este data de faptul ca criteriile
alese, pentru folosirea sa ca instrument de departajare / organizare a
intrecerilor de inot sportiv , sunt cele induse in selectia naturala:
# cu cat un corp este
mai lung (l.),
# cu cat un corp este
mai usor, (gr.)
# cu cat un corp este
mai ingust (q.) cu atat mai eficient pluteste, aluneca sau inainteaza !
ciclurilor de vaslire se poate face in mod liber (vizual) sau cu un ‘counter’
mecanic / electronic (PoolMate/Swimovate)
care sa simplifice contabilizarea mentala si deci a unor eventuale erori.
Sgrumala, I. Bidoaie –‘Proiectarea navelor mici, Ed. Tehnica, Buc. 1978, p.17,
Reynolds – Froude, bibl.: Saunders, N-York, 1957))
M.Olaru – INOT – manual metodic, Ed.
Sport-Turism, 1982, p.184,
M.Olaru – Rev E.F.S. nr 3/1983 p.49
"Testarea eficientei biomecanice la inot'.
M.Olaru – Rev E.F.S. nr. 2/1987,
p.27 'Ierarhizarea numerica a prestatiilor inotatorilor'.
M.Olaru – 'Să nu ne temen de apă',
Ed. Sport-Turism, 1988, p.90, sport-book
M.Olaru – Note de curs-inot, Univ.
Ecologica Buc., Ed. Universitara, 1991, p. 123
M.Olaru – Afise editate de FRN &
Canada Swimming Natation,1995, color, 4000
E.Hines – 'Fitness
Swimming', Human Kinetics, p.27, ('Swimming Golf'), 1995.
D. Hannula- “ Coaching
Swimming succesfully’’, p.78 ( Minimum-Nr-.swims),1995
M.Olaru – Rev.'Stiinta Sportului',
ed CCPS, nov 1999, Referat - ‘Un nou concept in pregatirea inotatoriilor'.
– ‚’Despre inot… cu Mircea Olaru’,CD+4 postere, ed. SSE, 2007, 1000 ex.
M. Olaru – referat la sesiunea de
comunicari a Univ. Spiru Haret, Buc, 2008
’Testarea eficientei biomecanice la
E. Maglisho – ’Stroke
Counting Drills’’, from Swimming Fastes, Hk Book ,2003
in weekend la Tenis Club 2000
[by Google
translate...] Hi Dan, I was almost sure that your question will be addressed,
in turn, the 4 stroke- swimming sport ....
Frankly, I expected this, even eagerly, because I want to give you a comment less expected, here it is:
„Question asked by Dan Lynch beautiful ...... it is a simple question and yet a difficult question as the title of a good book about swimming ...
I am almost 80 years old and about. 65 of them I spent in the water or on the edge of the pool.
For me, the question of Dan, is universally valid, not only for Freestyle but also for all other sports swimming techniques.
* Respecting the FINA rules of the contest is to know that we have 4 different stroks of competition ... but in terms Biomotric, we have, analytically only: 2 positions of the body [ventral,dorsal] and all rowing limbs, which actually resemble one if they think their propulsive effect {agree with the explanation given by Doc. Counsilman - helicoidally character of the movement of swimming?} (A).
* If you want to be appreciated as a good swimmer, you first need to know to slip easily through the water as if someone invisible pulls a rope ... [B],
* When you finish the race, even with a world record ... it does not look tired breathing hard[C].
To understand these three important requirements, I have in mind three words retained in a German study, from the beginning of my career as swimming coach, these are three adjectives: "DEEP", "STRONG" and "SELDOM".
Generally this means that the body must submit without damaging the technique:
* because of rowing as 'deep' (I) [not 'delete' water, and the body 'well sunk' to lose as much weight / Archimedes]
* because of rowing as 'strong' (II) {end of each movement should be vigorous, consistent with a final 'whipped'} and
* due to movements to ensure 'effective advance' (III) {i.e. a requirement to respond optimally balanced against the expression: - "swim with the fastest speed with as few moves" / see The Concept of Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test (BEST ) calculated mathematically to a constant value given by staff sliding Index (IPA)} ....
In conclusion: If anyone agrees with the above link and read .... I can say that swimming is, for me, first of all, "The Art of breathing", without effort!
In my opinion the most important element in the competition, is breathing, respiratory comfort, i.e. without mechanical fatigue without the 'oxygen debt', as if they did not swim {The Golden rule here is due to swimming: "How much air inhale as much air must expire "}.
So I think I answered the question of Dan and thank you ...[sorry for my Google translate]
i Frankly, I expected this, even eagerly, because I want to give you a comment less expected, here it is:
„Question asked by Dan Lynch beautiful ...... it is a simple question and yet a difficult question as the title of a good book about swimming ...
I am almost 80 years old and about. 65 of them I spent in the water or on the edge of the pool.
For me, the question of Dan, is universally valid, not only for Freestyle but also for all other sports swimming techniques.
* Respecting the FINA rules of the contest is to know that we have 4 different stroks of competition ... but in terms Biomotric, we have, analytically only: 2 positions of the body [ventral,dorsal] and all rowing limbs, which actually resemble one if they think their propulsive effect {agree with the explanation given by Doc. Counsilman - helicoidally character of the movement of swimming?} (A).
* If you want to be appreciated as a good swimmer, you first need to know to slip easily through the water as if someone invisible pulls a rope ... [B],
* When you finish the race, even with a world record ... it does not look tired breathing hard[C].
To understand these three important requirements, I have in mind three words retained in a German study, from the beginning of my career as swimming coach, these are three adjectives: "DEEP", "STRONG" and "SELDOM".
Generally this means that the body must submit without damaging the technique:
* because of rowing as 'deep' (I) [not 'delete' water, and the body 'well sunk' to lose as much weight / Archimedes]
* because of rowing as 'strong' (II) {end of each movement should be vigorous, consistent with a final 'whipped'} and
* due to movements to ensure 'effective advance' (III) {i.e. a requirement to respond optimally balanced against the expression: - "swim with the fastest speed with as few moves" / see The Concept of Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test (BEST ) calculated mathematically to a constant value given by staff sliding Index (IPA)} ....
In conclusion: If anyone agrees with the above link and read .... I can say that swimming is, for me, first of all, "The Art of breathing", without effort!
In my opinion the most important element in the competition, is breathing, respiratory comfort, i.e. without mechanical fatigue without the 'oxygen debt', as if they did not swim {The Golden rule here is due to swimming: "How much air inhale as much air must expire "}.
So I think I answered the question of Dan and thank you ...[sorry for my Google translate]
- Cu 11 zile în urmă
Roberto G., Mark Moody apreciază aceasta
in weekend la Tenis Club 2000
If you want
contact me, please send email at : scanave@yahoo.com
- Cu 4 zile în urmă
Dan Lynch apreciază aceasta
in weekend la Tenis Club 2000
In agreement
with the percentages of time assigned to each stroke, from 4 to in event IM,
well tested and optimized percentages used by Canadian specialists in a race IM
(400m especially) is correctly made whether to swim Dolfin consume approx.
22.5% of the total time(sec/"), 25.0% for Backstroke, 30.0% for Breastroke
and 22.5% for to Crawl ...
have a nice day... Mircea
have a nice day... Mircea
- Cu 3 zile în urmă
Dan Lynch, Dr Richard N. apreciază aceasta
in weekend la Tenis Club 2000
You can not
get a good swimmer in individual-mixtly if you can not swim the Breastroke
very, very good ....
in weekend la Tenis Club 2000
In agreement
with the percentages of time assigned to each stroke, from 4 to in event IM,
well tested and optimized percentages used by Canadian specialists in a race IM
(400m especially) is correctly made whether to swim Dolfin consume approx.
22.5% of the total time(sec/"), 25.0% for Backstroke, 30.0% for Breastroke
and 22.5% for to Crawl ...
have a niec day... Mircea
have a niec day... Mircea
- Cu 3 zile în urmă
Dan Lynch, Dr Richard N. apreciază aceasta
in weekend la Tenis Club 2000
Sorry, I'm
obligate to repeat one more time:
Mircea Olaru
"In agreement with the percentages of time assigned to each stroke, from 4 to in event IM, well tested and optimized percentages used by Canadian specialists in a race IM (400m especially) is correctly made whether to swim Dolfin consume approx. 22.5% of the total time(sec/"), 25.0% for Backstroke, 30.0% for Breastroke and 22.5% for to Crawl ..."
have a nice day... Mircea
Mircea Olaru
"In agreement with the percentages of time assigned to each stroke, from 4 to in event IM, well tested and optimized percentages used by Canadian specialists in a race IM (400m especially) is correctly made whether to swim Dolfin consume approx. 22.5% of the total time(sec/"), 25.0% for Backstroke, 30.0% for Breastroke and 22.5% for to Crawl ..."
have a nice day... Mircea
- Cu 2 zile în urmă
Dan Lynch apreciază aceasta
in weekend la Tenis Club 2000
Sorry, I'm
obligate to repeat one more time:
Mircea Olaru
"In agreement with the percentages of time assigned to each stroke, from 4 to in event IM, well tested and optimized percentages used by Canadian specialists in a race IM (400m especially) is correctly made whether to swim Dolfin consume approx. 22.5% of the total time(sec/"), 25.0% for Backstroke, 30.0% for Breastroke and 22.5% for to Crawl ..."
have a nice day... Mircea
Mircea Olaru
"In agreement with the percentages of time assigned to each stroke, from 4 to in event IM, well tested and optimized percentages used by Canadian specialists in a race IM (400m especially) is correctly made whether to swim Dolfin consume approx. 22.5% of the total time(sec/"), 25.0% for Backstroke, 30.0% for Breastroke and 22.5% for to Crawl ..."
have a nice day... Mircea
- Cu 2 zile în urmă
Dan Lynch apreciază aceasta