TO> Race Pace Swimming Club,
I met your club site and liked it very much. I am a coach
with old states .... I am 83 years old.
I'm sure your site is the work of an authentic specialist, a
well-known technician of 'science of swimming'. I liked the collection of
photographs accompanied by pertinent comments, and especially that video with
repeated exercises across the basin.
Repeats are done by dedicated swimmers and the + pause
effort makes high lactation resistance (with average oxygen debt) increase
effort, especially in precompetitive periods.
In connection with this type of repeated exercises on the
width of the basin I recall my success, about 50 years ago; I was a graduate of
the Physical Culture Institute, Bucharest (former swimmer, dolphinist /1.06,1
per 100m, DDR Rostock in 1954 ...); In the only covered swimming pool in
Bucharest (33 / 17m), in the first hour of the program, there was an
agglomeration that could not work ... but after 'swimming' followed by 'polo'
and then the pool remained free ...
When I did that, I immediately changed my program for
beginners (9-10 year olds, selected in the summer of that season, 1964 ...), I
called them at 11.00, the pool was empty but I did not have time to stretch the
corridors ... so I adopted your method, slashing. The exercises were a kind of
cocktail from the technique of the four sportive swimming procedures,
accessible to beginners + the breaks were somewhat larger and full of comments
on the technique.
The fact is that in approx. For three months, my group beat
the other kids from other clubs. My success has attracted the attention of the
Federation and soon I became the coordinator of the preparation of these
children, but for all 10-year-olds in Buc. (The lessons of about 120 children
were conducted by the microphone, the spirit of competition was on the main
plane, and the lessons were very successful).
The idea of working like this was quickly
"collected" by colleagues ... but they did not use the 'breadth' but
the 'length' of the basin.
The effort was great, in the first stage the children were
fit, they adapted easily ... but soon (2-3 years) disappeared. In this way I
became a kind of 'public enemy number 1', colleagues wanted fame and were not
patient (they have not even now ...) to wait for beginners to become pubes and
then adults, fit for maximum effort, etc.
Later, I became coach at the junior team, then I worked in
Istanbul, when I came back I became a federal coach .... But all these steps,
'gloriously' ascended ... did not help me change the mentality of obtaining
immediate performance ....
Unfortunately (and due to age ...) I was left alone, with my
'old ideas' ....
For this reason, I liked the video previously mentioned ...
I felt that ... there is this world, there is someone who judges just like me
... ... I was glad.
I will continue to explain the experimental text on the
width of the basin, my professional CV,
note - on this occasion I am asking you permission to use
your collection of photos to design a kind of 'pocket agenda' with themes for
coaches, the agenda will not be commercially distributed!
1963-1968 : 5 years, experiments a new-methodical line of
the ‚fast+corectly swim teaching’ - “Research Center” – Viitorul, Bucarest; {{ Regret, but the 'Iron Curtain' made us not to communicate
and so I say that 'Learning Swimming-Training through Short Distance Learning
(IIIDS / USRPT) in Romanian terminology' The Concomitant Method 'was started
from a successful experiment conducted between 1964, Sept. and 1968, Aug., at
the Research Center for Sport / "Viitorul" Experimental School,
Bucharest. The experiment was published in 'EFS Magazine' 5/1965 and presented
at the 'International Conference of Coaches of the Socialist Countries', held
in Buc. (13-16 Sept.1965), entitled "Concerning the reduction of the
period of learning of swimming in children and the early combination of
training with the training ", authors Mircea Olaru, Cristian Vladuta,
Dr. Kathy Orosz ('The Concomitant Method' was also included in the 'Swimming
Course' for students with swimming specialization at ICF Buc ./1967,p.79) }}
TO> Race Pace Swimming Club,
Am întâlnit siteul clubului vostru și mi-a plăcut foarte
mult. Eu sunt antrenor cu vechi state…., am 83 de ani.
Cred sigur ca siteul vostru este rodul muncii unui
specialist autentic, un tehnician bun cunoscător a ‘science of swimming’. Mi-au plăcut
colecția de fotografii însoțite de comentarii pertinente și in mod special acel
videoclip cu exercitii repetate pe lățimea bazinului.
Repetările sunt executate de înotători consacrați și regimul
de effort+’pauza’ face ca rezistența în regim lactacid superior (cu Datorie de
oxigen medie) să crească capacitatea de effort, mai ales în perioadele
In legatură cu acest tip de exerciții repetate pe lățimea
bazinului evoc o reușita a mea, de acum cca 50 de ani; eram proaspat absolvent
al Insitutului de Cultura Fizica, Bucuresti (fost inotator, delfinist /1.06,1
la 100m, Rostock DDR, în 1954….); în singurul bazin acoperit din București
(33/17m), la prima oră din program, era
o aglomerație de nu se mai putea lucra…,
dar, dupa ‘inot’ urma ‘polo’ iar apoi bazinul ramanea liber…
Cand am realizat asta, am schimbat imediat programul grupei
mele de incepatori(copii de 9-10 ani, selectionati in vara acelui sezon,
1964…), i-am chemat la ora 11.00, bazinul era gol dar nu mai aveam timp să
întind si culoarele…, așa că am adoptat metoda voastră, repetări pe lațime.
Exercițiile erau un fel de cocktail din tehnica celor 4 procedee de înot
sportiv, accesibile începătorilor + pauzele erau ceva mai mari și pline de
comentarii despre tehnică.
Cert este ca in cca. 3 luni de zile, grupa mea îi intrecea
pe ceilalti copii de la alte cluburi. Reușita mea a atras atenția federației și
în scurt timp, devenisem coordonatorul pregătirii acestor copii, dar la toti
copiii de 10 ani din Buc.( lectiile celor cca. 120 de copii, erau conduse prin microfon, spiritul de
intrecere era pe planul principal iar lectiile erau foarte reusite).
Ideia de a lucra astfel, a fost rapid ‘colecționată’ de
colegi…, dar ei nu au mai folosit ‘latimea’ ci ‘lungimea’ bazinului.
Efortul era mare, în prima etapa copii corespundeau, se
adaptau cu ușurință…, dar în scurt timp (2-3 ani) dispăreau. In felul acesta eu
am devenit un fel de ‘inamicul public numărul 1’, colegii doreau faima și nu
aveau răbdare ( nu o au nici acuma…) să aștepte ca începătorii să devină puberi
și apoi adulti, apți pentru eforturile maximale, etc.
Ulterior, am devenit antrenor la lotul de juniori, apoi am
lucrat si la Istanbul, la revenire am devenit antrenor federal…. Dar toate
aceste trepte, urcate ‘glorios’…., nu m-au ajutat să schimb mentalitatea
obținerii performanțelor imediate ....
Din pacate ( și datorită vârstei…) am cam ramas singur, cu
‘ideile mele invechite’....
Din acest motiv, mi-a plăcut video-clipul evocat mai înainte…,
am simțit ca…, iată pe lumea asta, mai există cineva care judecă la fel ca
mine’…, ma-m bucurat.
Expun in continuare textul consacrat experimentului pe
latimea bazinului, din CV-ul meu profesional, iatal -
notă - cu această ocazie vă cer permisiunea de a folosi
colecția voastră de fotografii pentru a concepe un fel de 'agenda de buzunar'
cu teme pentru antrenori, agenda nu va fi distribuită comercial !