(selected text from "About swimming', M.Olaru/Romania, 2007)
acestea, Înotul sportiv, are un număr suficient de mare de practicanţi (pozaţi pe sexe, grupe de vârstă, forme de
întreceri, probe de înot-bazin 25m sau 50m etc.) fiecare participant putând
deveni campion, putând reuşi o performanţă oarecare (un record), care se cere a fi, într-un sfârşit, departajată de
prestaţiile altora, din cu totul alte probe de concurs etc.
Este vorba de:
A - a typical form of the classic sporting competition (as it is practiced forever) - with the main purpose - the maximum speed;
B - with the express condition adopted by the athletes - the use of as few as possible rafting with the arms = maximum efficiency!
C - the driving regime that drives, obliges the performer to use the most correct water movement movements;
The appreciation of this benefit is done with strict, mathematical means, under the conditions induced by the use of the BEST (Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test) formula compared to another constant - the annual value of the Personal Sliding Index (IPA) of each swimmer biotype (Following explanations ...):
1. 'B.E.S.T.' - represents the acronym of a mathematical formula (conceived by the author of this work - M. Olaru), extremely simple, after which one can calculate the efficiency, the skill achieved by a swimmer at a given moment.
Formula with a quick / mental calculation of a score by a competitor, score that can later allow for the creation of an objective, official ranking
The BEST formula can be calculated from a constant value (the IPA score so stable, fixed, easy to remember, but different from one swimmer to another ...) will decrease the number of Times achieved (in seconds) + Number Rowing with arms 50m,
That is:
BEST = [IPA] - [No. sec. + Nr. Rafts] = ... points;
For example, the athlete ... ... .... Will have: BEST = [70] - [40 sec + 20 cycles] = 10 pct;
Another athlete ..................... will have: BEST = [75] - [42 sec + 25 cycles] = 8 pts ... ..
2. The IPA may be similar to a card, fixed, stable, constant over time, (it is checked annually - until 31 Dec.) and is simple, easy to compute: in terrestrial conditions, the competitor is invited to simulate Dry, in a perfectly horizontal plane, the position with the lying-down body, similar to ventral floating (on the chest), mobilizing the arms and legs in the maximum extent - the value of this position expressed in centimeters (L) is measured from this value The numerical amount given by the number of Kg will be decreased. + Sub-axillary circumference (C) (in deep expiration, expressed in centimeters)
IPA = [L.] - [Cm. + KG. ] = .... points
Eg: IPA = [214] - [80 + 70], ie - 64 IPA points. I mean BEST = 64 - (35 sec + 21 shipments) = 13 points etc.
The BEST concept originates in the meaning of aphorism 'Festina Lente'. The famous aphorism may have, in the case of swimming, a significant application - 'swimming at the highest speed - using the slightest movements' = efficiency, max.
This regime requires the swimmer to make the most accurate swimming movements, when the technique is deficient, the number of movements will increase and therefore the BEST value will decrease!
. In this way, you can achieve a high throughput. In essence, its evolution is an unmistakable blend of 'performance' (50m speed) and 'mastery' - the most correct technique (at a time).
Performing on a distance of 50m is not too complicated but having the most correct technique is already a direct attempt to achieve perfection.
This climate can lead the swimmer's orientation towards a possible "beauty contest" in swimming - designed differently than the classical, strict performance, no matter how .. (see the use of unauthorized means, doping ...!).
The notion of subjectivism, inherent in any 'beauty' contest, can gain a true spirit of faire-play by organizing the competition series in a perfectly equal way using equally sensitive values of the IPA index.
This equality can be mathematically assessed using the IPA criterion (ie, a personal, constant value, calculated annually), the competition will take place between equals or almost equal to the biodotrictive (IPA) swimmers.
This new concept (authentic romanian ...!) could be part of an official promotion of the sporting activity of our Federation and even FINA - Age groups System, Masters events ... (see Annex 9)
internaţională guvernează toate activităţile legate de practicarea nataţiei.

cazul probelor de concurs desfăşurate în bazine (de 25 sau 50 m + separat pentru probele feminine şi cele masculine)
între căştigători, mai ales, se simte nevoia de a face această departajare;
astfel se va putea afirma cert, obiectiv că recordul, performaţa, de ex., la 50
m bras este mai valoroasă decât cea de la 1500m liber samd.
acest sens sunt interesate diferite medii de publicitate, de presă,
organizatori care atribuie un premiu substanţial pentru cea mai bună
performanţă etc.
tabelei internaţionale de punctaj, care permite departajarea acestor performanţe
se bazează pe o formula matematica simplă :
= 1000 – (B. / T. )3
în care P. reprezintă punctajul care urmează a fi
calculat extrăgându-se din constanta 1000 produsul rezultat din împărţirea
bazei (B), adică timpul standard afişat de FINA , periodic, în urma
calculării mediilor primilor 10 performanţe ( pe o perioadă imediat anterioară să zicem un ciclu olimpic, sau
ultimele două campionate mondiale...) – deci împărţirea valorii B. la
valoare timpului realizat de sportivul respectiv T; împărţirea este precedată
de transformarea timpului realizat de
sportiv (T) şi timpului standard (B)
oficializat de FINA, în secunde iar rezultatul împărţirii se ridică
la cub şi această ultimă valoare se scade din constanta 1000 …..
aceste tabele cuprind o sumedenie de cifre valorice (pentru fiecare performaţă posibilă...) şi deci valori care nu se
pot calcula cu mare uşurinţă ..., FINA
emite, spre consultare, pe portalul
deci la dispoziţia oricărui utilizator de internet –
şi astfel orice dispută sau ierarhizare între sportivi
este arbitrată cu obiectiv şi cu ‘faire-play’.
INTERNATIONAL TABLE (by Google translate)
The International Federation governs all water-borne
Among them, Sports Swimming has a large number of
practitioners (gender, age groups, competitions, 25m or 50m swimming pools,
etc.). Each participant can become a champion and can achieve some performance
A record), which is ultimately required to be separated from the benefits of
others, from other proofs of competition, etc.
In the case of contests conducted in pools (25 or 50 m +
separated for female and male tests) among the winners, especially, there is a
need to make this division; So it will be possible to assert certain objective,
that the record, the performance, for example, at 50 m brass is more valuable
than the 1500 m freestyle.
In this respect, different media, press, organizers who
award a substantial prize for the best performance, etc. are interested.
The compilation of the international scoreboard, which
allows the performance of these performances, is based on a simple mathematical
P. = 1000 - (B. / T.) 3
Where P. represents the score to be calculated by
extracting from the constant 1000 the product resulting from the division of
the base (B), that is, the standard time displayed by FINA, periodically,
following the calculation of the averages of the first 10 performances (over an
earlier period, say An Olympic round, or the last two world championships ...)
- thus dividing the B value into the value of the time achieved by the
respective competitor T; The division is preceded by the time transformation made
by the athlete (T) and the standard time (B) officialized by FINA in seconds,
and the result of the division amounts to cube and this last value is
subtracted from the 1000 ... constant.
Because these tables contain a sum of numerical values
(for each possible performance ...) and therefore values that can not
easily be calculated ..., FINA issues, for consultation, the portal
So at the disposal of any internet user -
And so any dispute or hierarchy between athletes is
arbitrarily arbitrated with 'faire-play'.
Competiţiile BEST
Sunt concursuri în
care alături de performaţa în sine se face şi o estimare matematică asupra
corectitudinii mişcărilor folosite. Deci
- Matematica = Obiectivitate
A - o forma obişnuită
a intrecerii sportive clasice (asa cum
este ea practicata din totdeauna) – având scopul major -
înaintarea în viteză maximă;
B – cu condiţia
expresă adoptată de sportivi – cea de folosire a cât mai puţinor mişcări de
vâslire cu braţele = eficienţă maximă
C - regim de
mişcare care conduce, obligă executantul sa foloseasca cele mai corecte mişcări
de inaintare prin apa;
Aprecierea acestei prestaţii este
facută cu mijloace obiective, strict-matematice, în condiţiile induse de
folosirea formulei BEST (the Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test)
raportată la o altă constantă - valoarea
(anuală) a Indicelui Personal de
Alunecare (IPA) propriu fiecărui biotip de înotător (urmează explicaţii …):
1. ‘B.E.S.T.’
– reprezinta acronimul unei formule matematice (concepută de autorul acestei
lucrări – M. Olaru) , extrem de simplă, după care se poate calcula eficienţa,
măiestria atinsă de un înotător la un moment dat.
cu un calcul, rapid / mental al punctajului realizat de un concurent, punctaj
care poate permite, ulterior, alcatuirea unui clasament obiectiv, oficial
BEST se poate calcula astfel – dintr-o valoare constanta (punctajul IPA deci o sumă stabilă, fixă, uşor de reţinut dar diferită de la un
înotător la altul…) se va scădea suma numerică a Timpului realizat (în secunde) + Numărul de Vâsliri cu braţele pe 50m,
adică :
BEST = [ IPA] – [ Nr. sec. + Nr. vâsliri ] =
de exemplu,
sportivul …...…. va avea : BEST = [ 70] – [ 40 sec + 20 cicluri ] = 10 pct;
Un alt sportiv
…………………va avea : BEST = [75] – [ 42 sec + 25 cicluri] = 8 pct…..
2. IPA
poate fi asemuit unui card , are valoare fixă, stabilă, constantă mai mult
timp, (ea este verificată anual - until
31 Dec.) şi este simplu, usor de calculat astfel: în condiţii terestre,
concurentul este invitat să simuleze pe uscat, în plan perfect orizontal,
poziţia cu corpul culcat-întins, similară cu plutirea ventrală (pe piept), mobilizând braţele si
picioarele (şpiţul) în întindere maximă – se măsoară valoarea acestei pozitii
exprimată în centimetri (L.),din aceasta valoare se va scadea suma numerică
dată de numarul de Kg. + Circumferinţa
sub-axilară (C.)(în expiraţie profundă,
exprimată în centimetri)
IPA = [ L.] –
[ Cm. + KG. ] =
…. puncte,
de ex.:
IPA = [214] – [80+70], adica - 64
puncte IPA. Adica BEST = 64 – (35
sec.+21 vasliri) = 13 puncte etc.
Conceptul BEST are la origini
înţelesul aforismului ‘Festina Lente’. Celebrul aforism poate avea, in cazul
inotului, o aplicare semnificativă - ‘inoată
cu cea mai mare viteză – folosind cele mai puţine mişcări’ = eficienţă,
randament max.
Acest regim solicită înotătorului
efectuarea celor mai corecte mişcări de înot, când tehnica este deficitară
numărul de mişcări va creşte şi deci valoarea prestaţiei BEST va scădea !
. In acest fel se poate obţine un
randament de mişcare ridicat. In fond evoluţia sa reprezintă un amestec inedit
între ‘performanţă’ (viteza pe 50m) si ‘măiestrie’ - tehnica cea
mai corectă (la un moment dat).
A performa pe distanţa de 50m nu
este un lucru prea complicat dar a avea tehnica cea mai corectă reprezinta deja
o încercare directă de a obţine perfecţiunea.
Acest climat poate conduce
orientarea înotătorului, către un posibil ‘concurs de frumuseţe’ la
înot - conceput altfel decât performanţa
clasică, strictă, realizată indiferent cum.. (vezi apelarea la mijloace nepermise, doping…!).
Nota de subiectivism, inerent
oricarui concurs ‘de frumuseţe’ , poate căpăta un spirit autentic de faire-play
prin organizarea seriilor de concurs in mod perfect egal folosind valorile
sensibil egale ale indicelui IPA..
Aceasta egalitate va putea fi
apreciată matematic folosind criteriul IPA (adica
o valoare personală, constantă, calculată anual), întrecerea se va
desfăşura între înotători egali sau aproape egali dpdv biomotric (IPA).
acest nou
concept (autentic românesc…!) ar putea
face parte, în viitor, printr-o promovare oficială, din activitatea de înot
sportiv al federaţiei noastre şi chiar al FINA - Age groups Sistem, Masters
events …(vezi Anexa nr. 9 )
BEST Competitions
There are competitions in which a mathematical estimation of the correctness of the movements used is made alongside the performance itself. So - Mathematics = Objectivity
It's about:There are competitions in which a mathematical estimation of the correctness of the movements used is made alongside the performance itself. So - Mathematics = Objectivity
A - a typical form of the classic sporting competition (as it is practiced forever) - with the main purpose - the maximum speed;
B - with the express condition adopted by the athletes - the use of as few as possible rafting with the arms = maximum efficiency!
C - the driving regime that drives, obliges the performer to use the most correct water movement movements;
The appreciation of this benefit is done with strict, mathematical means, under the conditions induced by the use of the BEST (Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test) formula compared to another constant - the annual value of the Personal Sliding Index (IPA) of each swimmer biotype (Following explanations ...):
1. 'B.E.S.T.' - represents the acronym of a mathematical formula (conceived by the author of this work - M. Olaru), extremely simple, after which one can calculate the efficiency, the skill achieved by a swimmer at a given moment.
Formula with a quick / mental calculation of a score by a competitor, score that can later allow for the creation of an objective, official ranking
The BEST formula can be calculated from a constant value (the IPA score so stable, fixed, easy to remember, but different from one swimmer to another ...) will decrease the number of Times achieved (in seconds) + Number Rowing with arms 50m,
That is:
BEST = [IPA] - [No. sec. + Nr. Rafts] = ... points;
For example, the athlete ... ... .... Will have: BEST = [70] - [40 sec + 20 cycles] = 10 pct;
Another athlete ..................... will have: BEST = [75] - [42 sec + 25 cycles] = 8 pts ... ..
2. The IPA may be similar to a card, fixed, stable, constant over time, (it is checked annually - until 31 Dec.) and is simple, easy to compute: in terrestrial conditions, the competitor is invited to simulate Dry, in a perfectly horizontal plane, the position with the lying-down body, similar to ventral floating (on the chest), mobilizing the arms and legs in the maximum extent - the value of this position expressed in centimeters (L) is measured from this value The numerical amount given by the number of Kg will be decreased. + Sub-axillary circumference (C) (in deep expiration, expressed in centimeters)
IPA = [L.] - [Cm. + KG. ] = .... points
Eg: IPA = [214] - [80 + 70], ie - 64 IPA points. I mean BEST = 64 - (35 sec + 21 shipments) = 13 points etc.
The BEST concept originates in the meaning of aphorism 'Festina Lente'. The famous aphorism may have, in the case of swimming, a significant application - 'swimming at the highest speed - using the slightest movements' = efficiency, max.
This regime requires the swimmer to make the most accurate swimming movements, when the technique is deficient, the number of movements will increase and therefore the BEST value will decrease!
. In this way, you can achieve a high throughput. In essence, its evolution is an unmistakable blend of 'performance' (50m speed) and 'mastery' - the most correct technique (at a time).
Performing on a distance of 50m is not too complicated but having the most correct technique is already a direct attempt to achieve perfection.
This climate can lead the swimmer's orientation towards a possible "beauty contest" in swimming - designed differently than the classical, strict performance, no matter how .. (see the use of unauthorized means, doping ...!).
The notion of subjectivism, inherent in any 'beauty' contest, can gain a true spirit of faire-play by organizing the competition series in a perfectly equal way using equally sensitive values of the IPA index.
This equality can be mathematically assessed using the IPA criterion (ie, a personal, constant value, calculated annually), the competition will take place between equals or almost equal to the biodotrictive (IPA) swimmers.
This new concept (authentic romanian ...!) could be part of an official promotion of the sporting activity of our Federation and even FINA - Age groups System, Masters events ... (see Annex 9)
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