Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Poate fi calculata matematic, obiectiv care este eficienta inotatorului ?

Poate fi calculata matematic, obiectiv care este 'Efficiency of'
..... inotatorului ?
 De regula performanta, cronometrul, dau aprecierea reala a  valoarii unui sportiv.
Dar inotul sportiv a devenit atat de popular si are atatea valente incat pregatirea de perspectiva a unui incepator cere ca acesta sa inoate cat mai corect si eficient, de la seson la sezon.

Multi antrenori se folosesc doar de cronometru si planifica diferite formule de antrenament [volum, intensitate, complexitate]; de multe ori efortul astfel evaluat se rezuma doar la 'cata oboseala a fost invinsa de sportiv'?

Dar cel care inoata corect, tehnica procedeului de concurs, demonstreaza ca performanta nu este egala doar cu ceea ce arata cronometrul [care 'spune' how] ci si de ceea ce arata 'cum ai rezolvat' confruntarea intre cerintele efortului si posibilitatile personale avute de sportiv.
De ex. - care este mai eficient intre acesti doi sportivi :Amandoi inoata aceiasi distanta, aceiasi performanta dar unul foloseste un numar mai mic de vasliri fata de celalalt ?
Eu, si inca multi altii vor spune, logic, ca cel care inoata cu mai putine vasliri este mai Eficient.

Evaluarea Eficientei s-ar rezuma doar la numararea vaslirilor si astfel s-ar putea face chiar un alt clasament ..., dar  Eficienta mai depinde si de Biotipul-au somatic al celui care inoata; deci daca amandoi inotat la fel, si chiar au un numar egal de vasliri cine ar putea fi declarat mai bun, mai eficient:- cel care este mic si dolofan sau cel care este lung si subtire?

Deci Eficienta, in interiorul 'artei de a inota' este o dimensiune care devine importanta si bine ar fi ca ea sa fie calculata obiectiv, matematic.

Eu pledez pentru o formula simpla, care poate fi calculata mental, la fiecare antrenament si, dece  nu chiar la intreceri de 'inot eficient', intreceri care vor fi diferite fata de cele aprobate de FINA - Rules.

Formula dupa care se poate calcula matematic valoarea Eficientei unui inotator are in vedere urmatoarele date:
1.Time indicat de cronometru pe o distanta data [ de regula pe 50m]
2. Numarul de vasliri folosite... si
3.Valoarea Indecelui Personal de Alunecare [ acest indice este cvazi-constant, dar diferit la de inotator la inotator]; Introducand in calcul aceasta valoare constanta vom putea face strict - o diferentiere obiectiva a ceea ce intelegem prin Eficienta la inot.

Iata formula "the Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test / BEST" > PIG - [Time + Tempo] = ..... points of Efficiency.

{{ PIG reprezinta valoarea care rezulta din suma greutatii corporale pe uscat, adunata cu numarul de centimetri care masoara circumefrinta sub axilara a toracelui (ca la croitor...), suma care va fi scazuta din lungimnea totala a corpului inotatorului intins in pozitia de plutire orizontal-ventrala}} de exemplu: Lungimea este 210cm - [30+20] ...= 160 points

**Obs: PIG este foarte necesar daca s-ar organiza intreceri de massa, cu multi inotatori, evident diferiti ca Biotip-somatic iar seriile ar putea fi organizate perfect egal dupa valoarea PIG**

CONCLUZIA FINALA: din experienta practica, s-a remarcat, ca cei care reusesc sa inoate cat pot ei de repede, folosind cat mai putine vasliri ..., ajung sa perfectioneze tehnica (!!!), corectitudinea miscarilor de inot fiiind singura cale de a inota Eficient 
[ acest concept referitor la Eficienta a fost generat de intelesul unui aforism antic 'Festina lente'...., adica 'Grabeste-te...incet' enuntat de Seutonius, carturar dins ec. II d.Ch.]

Can it be mathematically calculated, which is the Efficiency of the swimmer?
 As a rule, the performance, the timer, gives the real appreciation of an athlete's worth.
But sports swimming has become so popular and has so many valences that a beginner's perspective requires that he swim as fairly and efficiently as possible from the seson to the secon.

Many coaches use only the timer and plan different training formulas [volume, intensity, complexity]; often the effort so assessed is limited to how much fatigue has been overtaken by the athlete?

But the one who swims fairly, the technique of the contest process, demonstrates that performance is not just what the timer shows [how to say] but also what it looks like 'how did you solve' the confrontation between the demands of the effort and the personal possibilities sport.
For example. - Which is more effective between these two athletes: Both swim the same distance, the same performance but one uses a smaller number of vans than the other?
Me and many others will say, logically, that the one who swims with fewer vans is more efficient.

Efficiency Estimates would only be about counting vessels and so could even make another ranking ... but Efficiency also depends on the somatic type of the Bottler; so if they both swim the same way, and even have an equal number of vendors who could be declared better, more efficient: - who is small and chubby or long and thin?

So the efficiency inside the 'art of swimming' is a dimension that becomes important and it would be good for it to be objectively mathematically calculated.

I advocate for a simple formula that can be mentally calculated at each training and not even at 'effective swimming' races, which will be different from those approved by FINA - Rules.

The formula after which the value of a swimmer can be calculated mathematically takes into account the following data:
1.Time indicated by the stopwatch over a given distance [usually 50m]
2. The number of vans used ... and
3.The value of the Personal Sliding Index [this index is quasi-constant, but different from the swim to the swimmer]; By taking this constant value into account, we can do strictly - an objective differentiation of what we mean by Swimming Efficiency.

Here's the formula "The Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test / BEST"> PIG - [Time + Tempo] = ..... points of Efficiency.

{{PIG is the value resulting from the sum of the body weight on land, gathered with the number of centimeters that measures the circus under the axillary of the chest (as the tailor ...), the amount that will be deducted from the total length of the swimmer's body stretched to the position floating horizontally-ventral}} for example: The length is 210cm - [30 + 20] ... = 160 points

** Obs: PIG is very necessary if mass races were organized with many swimmers, obviously different like Biotip-somatic and the series could be organized perfectly equal to the value PIG **

FINAL CONCLUSION: From practical experience, it was noted that those who manage to swim as fast as they can, using as few as possible ..., improve the technique (!!!), the correctness of the swimming movements being the only way to Efficient Swimming [this concept of Efficiency was generated by the meaning of an ancient aphorism 'slow fetish' ...in the world there can be no two kinds of laws, occult laws, civic laws; only civic laws must be respected

dovada ca, la inot, cu cat esti mai ''lung'' cu atat, mai imperios, este necesar sa ''aluneci''......
OBS: este ocazia sa remarc ca acest clip accentueaza o ''teza'' de-a mea rezultata din Conceptul BEST(1982)...; anume ca Eficienta unui inotator depinde de obtinerea unei viteze cat mai mari cu un numar cat mai mic de vasliri, eficienta obtinuta, cel mai frecvent de cei selectionati avand talia cat mai mare { IPA=Indicele Personal de Alunecare... iar > BEST= IPA - (Time+Tempo), adica daca ai, datorita taliei inalte, un coeficient IPA mare... poti calcula matematic, mental ''eficienta'', scazand din valoare IPA suma (Timp+Tempo)}; Conceptul are o vechime de cca 35 de ani, este publicat, de atunci in presa de specialitate si sunt bucuros cand aud colegi care imi explica, in virtual, cum este treaba asta cu alunecarea..... asa ca zicala > ""nimeni nu a ajuns profet in sat la el...."" se confirma..., dovada ca singurul element subiectiv al acestui concept (numararea vaslirilor) a fost rezolvat de firma Swimovate (UK) printr-un watch-counter numit PoolMate care poate numara obiectiv, electronic numarul de vasliri (stau si ma intreb...''chiar asa de fraieri o fi fost Lisa Irlam si sotul ei sa investeasca cateva milioane bune de lire in reusita asta, daca a numara vaslirile nu este ceva importanta pt obtinerea eficientei?)..... O seara buna de tot....

proof that when swimming, the longer you are, the more imperative it is necessary to '' slip '' ......
OBS: I have the opportunity to point out that this clip emphasizes my "my thesis" resulting from the BEST Concept (1982) ...; namely that the efficiency of a swimmer depends on getting as high a speed as possible with fewer vessels, the efficiency gained, most often by the selected ones having the largest size {IPA = Personal Index of Sliding ... and> BEST = IPA - (Time + Tempo), that is, if you have a high IPA coefficient because of its high waist ... you can calculate the mathematical, mental '' efficiency '', decreasing from IPA sum amount (Time + Tempo)}; The concept is about 35 years old, it's published since then in the specialized press, and I'm glad to hear colleagues who explain to me in virtual terms what this sliding thing is ..... so the saying "" no one did not become a prophet in the village to him .... "" It is confirmed ... the proof that the only subjective element of this concept (vessel counting) was solved by Swimovate (UK) through a watch-counter called PoolMate can count the lens, electronically the number of lobbies (I sit and I wonder ... '' It was such a sucker that Lisa Irlam and her husband were to invest a few million pounds in this success, counting the vans is not important for gaining efficiency?) ..... A good night of everything ....

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