Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Oare se poate afla 'cine' a facut aceasta hakuiala ...?

{pe 7 Nov. a.c. mi-a fost distrus contul de Yahoo....}

Pentru ce….?
Today at 10:59 AM
Stimati colegi, 'fostii mei colegi'...,
Acest email, va fi ultimul cu care va tot 'bombardez'.....; 'reteaua Mirceabook' (pamflet dupa ce am renuntat de a mai posta pe FB...) a dat 'faliment' deoarece simt ca postarile mele nu va intereseaza si asta explica dece nu am putut  avea, cu voi, discutii constructive. 
Emailul este adresat si celor din Min.Sportului si INCS (cu remarca ca la INCS site-ul nu ofera decat o singura adresa Email pentru a putea comunica..., ciudat), la modul general, eventual cu intentia de a remarca activitatea d.lui prof. Adrian Bejan  de la Duke Univ./USA....
In aceste conditii, eu ma 'sorryende' trimitandu-va, a analiza, a judeca, doua teme, doua ultime ipostaze:
1/ comunicarea mea cu Dl.Prof. Adrian Bejan de la Duke Univ./USA, autorul 'Legii Constructale' (versiunea inginereasca a 'Evolutiei speciilor' by Charles Darwin cu multi ani inainte); aceste Emailuri, au 'legatura' complet intamplatoare cu Conceptul BEST dar mai ales cu IPA (Indicele Personal de Alunecare) deoarece Prof. Bejan, fara a sti de conceptul meu a pledat: 'in viitor, intrecerile de inot (ca si cele de viteza, atletism etc.), pentru a fi perfect autentice si in deplina concordanta cu spiritul 'faire-play' atat de mult invocat in activitatea sportiva ar trebui sa foloseasca categorii de biotip asa cum se obisnuieste in haltere, box, lupte'. Ori IPA, la inot, ofera matematic posibilitatea de a organiza serii de intrecere egale, intre concurenti care au aceelasi valori IPA, deci intreceri in autentic spirit de faire-play... (vezi corespondenta de mai jos, cu dl.prof. ....)
Deci, stiinta si nu ambitiile personale cer ca in viitor, aceste intreceri la inot ar trebui sa fie organizate pe criteriile de departajare calculate obiectiv, matematic; evident ca acest lucru poate fi adoptat, initial, de noi romanii..., 'in curtea noastra' dar, in timp, la fel cum s-a intamplat si cu aparitia si dezvoltarea sistemului 'age groups', va fi adoptat si de altii in final de FINA !
2/asa, ca la orice 'despartire' eu va ofer un cadou - lucrarea Despre Inot..., care este atashata azi, in format PDF, format care este agreat de cei de la Yahoo pentru a fi atashat unui email, etc. Daca stiam asta mai devreme, as fi oferit lucrarea mai de mult dar sper sa va fie de folos si de acum incolo.
Ce doresc sa retineti...:
In lucrare se vorbeste de mai multe ori despre Conceptul BEST...., pana mai de curand si eu greseam considerandu-l o aplicatie personalizata, care scoate in evidenta eficienta unuia sau altuia DAR, incercarea de a oferi substanta ideii de revigorare, absolut necesara in sistemul sportiv si mai ales in activitatea de inot... m-a dus la solutia de a oferi acestei revigorari a sistemului - datele statistice oferite de aplicarea sistematica, la nivelul intregii mase de inotatori din tara noastra, a Conceptului BEST: doar statistica testarii lunare a unei probe standard de evaluare a eficientei (de ex., 50m in variantele celor 4 procedee) poate oferi date exacte despre ce se petrece in sistem.....
 Nu este important pentru federatie, etc., daca 'Ionut' sau 'Mariuca' de la antrenorul 'X', ar avea punctaj ridicat al eficientei..., pentru noi ar fi extrem de interesant sa vedem, la nivelul intregii tari, daca valorile BEST, testate lunar si calculate statistic, cresc iar acolo unde nu cresc, acolo trebuie intervenit pentru a afla cauzele stagnarii etc.(amintesc aici ds. importanta aratata de 'Testarea potentialului biomotric al populatiei scolare' (1965-89), cercetarea initiata, riscant chiar, de specialisti cu renume in EFS-ul nostru in perioada respectiva (Focsaneanu, Mazilu, Alexe, Siclovan, Hillerin, s.a.)
Acest ultim Email, este expresia mea, la cei "4x20 de ani impliniti"....; simt ca este cam futurista si va fi greu acceptata...., dar eu cred ca mi-am facut datoria atat ca 'meserias' cat si ca 'pretin al vostru', coleg de pe marginea bazinului de peste 65 de ani, chiar daca unii se fac ca eu n-as fi 'existat'....
Inchei acest ultim Email cu urarea de a va gasi drumul cel mai bun pentru relansare, sa aveti multe reusite si, mai ales, sanatate si vigoarea de a fi 'cel mai tare din parcare', mereu....

Un retro.....(6)

Mircea Olaru Buna ziua D,le Prof., Cand, in urma cu ani, 'ne-am cunoscut', am fost atras de constatarea ca, in timp, biotipul performeurului (Usain, Phelps) tinde sa devina mai mare, deci mai puternic etc. Mi-a parut logic atunci ca propunerea ca si la asemenea discipline sportive (ca si la haltere, box, lupte...) sa fie introduse criterii de intrecere pe categorii; dar cred ca spiritul conservatorist va respinge asa organizare de intreceri, mai ales la nivel olimpic.... http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2009/jul/17/bigge
 Nov 4 at 3:48 PM
Adrian Bejan Hello Mircea, Ma bucur sa te citesc. Ca tine, eu sunt mare sufletist pentru sportul romanesc, evident. Ma bucur ca esti cu fata ta, si multumesc penrtu invitatie. As vrea sa vin la Adana, dar momentan ca american nu sunt binevenit (cu securitate) in Turcia, aceasta avertizare vine oficial de la guvernul lui Obama. Imi pare rau ca nu ne-am vazut la Politehnica din Bucuresti pe 10 octombrie--te anuntasem. A fost o prelegere mare, la peste 100 persoane, despre cartea The Physics of Life Multumesc pentru formula ta de reusita la innot. Ma voi uita mai atent--momentan, am alte mari probleme, de sanatate in familie...la care joc si centru inaintas si portar, pentru ca am ramas singurul care mai alearga pe teren. Voi reveni la Bucuresti pentru 15-16 mai, vezi http://clc2017.eu/ Sanatate si fericire, Adrian Adrian Bejan ( MIT 1971, 1972, 1975 ) J.A. Jones Distinguished Professor Duke University Academy of Europe new book: The Physics of Life 2016-11-04 13:48 GMT+00:00 Mircea Olaru <scanave@yahoo.com>:
 Nov 5 at 11:59 PM
Adrian Bejan Draga Mircea, Te salut de la Londra. Bine'teles ca eu inca sustin ca vor fi categorii de greutate in toate sporturile care cer viteza. Eu nu am retras nimic din ceea ce am publicat. Menirea omului cu teoria (cu legea) este sa prezica viitorul. Sper sa ne revedem in 2017, Fericire si sanatate, Adrian Adrian Bejan ( MIT 1971, 1972, 1975 ) J.A. Jones Distinguished Professor Duke University Academy of Europe new book: The Physics of Life 2016-11-06 11:34 GMT+00:00 
Mircea Olaru <scanave@yahoo.com>: D.le Prof., Va tin pumnii strinsi pentru cei de acasa care au probleme cu sanatatea Eu am plecat din tara la Adana pe 4 oct. DAR emailul dv.l-am trimis, imediat, in 'cele 4 zari'... Nu cred ca ar fi reactionat cine trebuia, suntem un popor care a uitat respectul si stie doar sa urasca, pacat Cand aveti timp incercati sa-mi spuneti daca mai sustineti ideia ca si la inot, atletism etc sa se faca grupe, categorii ca la box, haltere etc. Asta deoarece IPA-ul meu ar putea servi pt o asemenea departajare, la inot.... In rest ca doresc sa iesiti din 'inantare si aparare' cu sanatatea cat mai curand Cu ajutorul Celui de sus... pe 17 nov. vom fi iarasi acasa.... (rf. la venirea in Tr,, nu-i chiar asa de rau,se fac multe speculatii ..........., in fond dv. ati veni ca roman, etc.) Sa auzim numai de bine MO 
On Saturday, November 5, 2016 11:59 PM, Adrian Bejan <abejan@duke.edu> wrote: Hello Mircea, Ma bucur sa te citesc. Ca tine, eu sunt mare sufletist pentru sportul romanesc, evident. Ma bucur ca esti cu fata ta, si multumesc penrtu invitatie. As vrea sa vin la Adana, dar momentan ca american nu sunt binevenit (cu securitate) in Turcia, aceasta avertizare vine oficial de la guvernul lui Obama. Imi pare rau ca nu ne-am vazut la Politehnica din Bucuresti pe 10 octombrie--te anuntasem. A fost o prelegere mare, la peste 100 persoane, despre cartea The Physics of Life Multumesc pentru formula ta de reusita la innot. Ma voi uita mai atent--momentan, am alte mari probleme, de sanatate in famili
======================== =======

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Simple discution on Linkedin

spam, redirecţionarea mesajelor, ştergerea etc.
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·         Ieri
Amândoi sunteţi membri ai grupului Professional Swim Coach pe LinkedIn.

Dear Clive - American sistem of "'áge groups races""'is very good because 0fer to so many childrens one dream > ''try to be like 'michael'; but one very small group will comme true ''elite swimmers'''..., other childrens lost swimming and not rarely. have some frustration. For this childrens + old swimmers/adults I formulate one new concept to make swimming - effyciency+better technic (sorry, me inglish is very poor).

Please open this links:

·         Astăzi
Good morning Mircea, greetings. Where do I start? I really don't understand the point of the equations?
·         Ooops! Sorry, I pressed something and it posted itself! Let's start again: Good morning Mircea, greetings. Where do I start?
·         I really don't understand the point of the equations? Let me try to deconstruct the formula so that you can tell me if I have understood it correctly: K is your constant. What is it doing? It serves no purpose whatsoever. And you add it twice at separate stages – first when calculating the PSI and again when calculating the BEST score. Why not simply add 2*K somewhere?
·         Why not simply omit it? L – is this in a ‘streamline’ position (i.e. arms extended as in a push off) or simply standing height measured for some reason while floating? Why floating?
·         Weight and thorax circumference completely baffle me – why are they included? Thorax will show some indication of frontal area but so what? Weight will tell you how heavy you are when you’re NOT in the water. So what? When I do the calculations I find that the indexed effect of significant improvements in speed and/or cycle count are subdued because of the inclusion of the other factors. Surely effectiveness and efficiency are ONLY concerned with speed and cycle count? If the body length increases the BEST index rises. If the weight decreases the BEST index rises. If the thorax circumference decreases the BEST index reduces. If the time improves the BEST index rises. If the cycle count decreases the BEST index rises. So, in order to increase the index number the swimmer can become longer, lose weight, expand the chest, swim faster, or use fewer strokes. Who cares about three of those? Only two are of importance. Surely it is simpler to just time, say, a 200 and count the strokes? That will give you two ‘baseline’ numbers. Next time if the time is constant and stroke count has decreased then the swimmer is more efficient; if the stroke count is constant and the time decreases the swimmer is more effective. That’s it. What else does the swimmer or coach need to know? There is nothing else. Time and stroke count are all you need.

Bună dimineața Mircea, salutări. De unde să încep? Eu chiar nu înțeleg punctul de ecuațiile?
• Ooops! Ne pare rău, am apăsat ceva și ea însăși postat! Să începem din nou: Bună dimineața, Mircea salutări. De unde să încep? Eu chiar nu înțeleg punctul de ecuațiile?Lasă-mă să încerc să deconstruiască formula astfel încât să puteți să-mi spui dacă am înțeles corect: K este constantă ta. Ce o face? Acesta servește nici un fel de scop. Și tu adauga de două ori la diferite etape - prima la calcularea PSI și din nou atunci când se calculează cel mai bun scor. De ce nu pur și simplu se adaugă 2 * K undeva? De ce nu pur și simplu omite? L - este aceasta într-o poziție "Streamline" (de exemplu, arme extins ca într-o împingere off) sau pur și simplu înălțime măsurată pentru un motiv oarecare timp plutitoare în picioare? De ce plutitoare? Greutate si circumferinta toracelui șicane complet mine - de ce sunt ele incluse? Torace va arăta anumite semne de zona frontală, dar atât de ce? Greutate vă va spune cât de greu esti atunci când nu sunteți în apă. Şi ce dacă? Când fac calculele mi se pare că efectul indexate de imbunatatiri semnificative in viteza și / sau numărul de ciclu sunt supus din cauza includerea celorlalți factori. Cu siguranță eficacitatea și eficiența sunt doar în cauză cu o viteză și numărul de ciclu? În cazul în care lungimea corpului crește CELE MAI BUNE crește index. În cazul în care greutatea scade CELE MAI BUNE crește index.Dacă circumferința toracelui scade cel mai bun indice reduce. Dacă timpul îmbunătățește CELE MAI BUNE crește index. În cazul în care numărul de ciclu scade CELE MAI BUNE crește index. Deci, în scopul de a crește numărul de index înotătorul poate deveni mai, pierde în greutate, extinde piept, inota mai repede, sau de a folosi mai puține accidente vasculare cerebrale. Cui îi pasă de trei dintre cei? Doar două sunt de o importanță. Cu siguranță este mai simplu cu doar timp, să zicem, un 200 și numără accident vascular cerebral? Care vă va oferi două numere "de bază". Data viitoare în cazul în care timpul este constant și numărul de accident vascular cerebral a scazut, atunci înotătorul este mai eficientă; dacă numărul de accident vascular cerebral este constantă și intervalul scade înotătorul este mai eficientă. Asta e. Ce mai înotătorul sau autocarul trebuie să știți? Nu este nimic altceva. Timp și numărul de accident vascular cerebral sunt tot ce ai nevoie.
Google Tra
My luck was that someone wrote to me on Linkedin and so I saw your answer (I do not really use Linkedin network...)
It’s been a while since I supported the BEST Concept and here I try to objectively justify myself, with a reasonably applied and logically approved mathematics.
You put your big heart in this - your answer makes it clear that you had good will and you managed to read the whole text - congratulations ...
I will try to explain, but please have patience ...: This formula was designed especially for children who are not as smart as the adults ....
So in short -
If you do as you have remarked (correctly!) ... the total sum of the number of seconds plus the number of tempo - their value will be the better the higher the result is below ...; I think children cannot understand this ("a lower result will be good ..."), and this is why I have introduced theoretically, formally, constant 'K' (= 100) which enables the result calculated to have a positive value. I admit that I used this at the release of the BEST Concept (1983) and it was forced and unrealistic; so I admitted that the introduction of the constant 'K' is artificial and searched to replace it with another constant ... thus I reached PIG (Personal Index of Gliding ...?) in 1999 (there were decades of searching until I found it ...).
We all know that everyone has a personal capacity to glide. This capacity results from some biological indicators, which vary from one individual to another but have a special meaning in connection with the body which moves through the water ....
I will explain right away ... but until then I hope you accept that a good PIG value is important in achieving a high speed (a) and is a constant value, at least for a year (b).
If I decrease the value out of the PIG constant ('Time' + 'Tempo'), the more you have a smaller value ... I will have a higher and therefore credible constant (PIG) in the mind of my beginner... + for me is a value which definitely say about what my swimmers’ efficiency is and so I can start a 'negotiation' of his way to swim... ..

I hope I have cleared up on my judgment that takes into account the need to provide a child credible numbers (A), that can show what is the mathematical value of the efficiency of the movements in water (B) by using the technique of a swimming stroke, as required by FINA regulations / TSC (4 basic strokes).
Thus, I assume that the values ​​of 'Time' and 'Tempo' accepted by two of us, I mean that that if you mathematically decrease their sum out of the PIG constant, the value  gives us an idea about the effectiveness of the person who is swimming. Do not forget that we talk about all kind of people, some fat, some taller, etc.
So PIG is calculated (once a year ...) as follows:
'L' = is the longest that a swimmer’s body can have in the water, ie floating ventral float ...; to be more simple I can take, only the Height as you propose, but by doing I will be deprived of two important milestones for swimming = 'long hand' and 'foot size'; So I prefer the constant value of the body stretched out in the water from which I will decrease (just like the calculation of efficiency) the sum of the body weight - Gr. (out of the water) plus the number of centimeters of the circumference measured under arms -Q.
"Gr" = is body weight out of the water but we know that in the water this weight will drop and the body, according to Archimedes' principle, it will be lighter so it will float easier; a heavy body will have difficulty to float and glide ... a light one will be favored. To calculate the 'specific weight’ of a body in the water, requires a large hassle, this is why I chose the easiest way ....
'Q' = represents a landmark much linked to movement, meaning that the water can oppose resistance against the progress of the body (theoretically, even shipbuilders, admit that resistance will be smaller.. as the ratio between the body length and overall width has a value given by Froude, Reynolds' formula, ie radical in length / width - but these calculations are simply impossible to do for a simple coach ... even for Bob Bowman (sic), so I chose a significant and natural value - Circumference measured under arms (like a tailor who makes a suit)
Finally PIG equals value 'L' amount minus the number of kilograms 'Gr' plus the number of centimeters (Q), so PIG = L - (Gr. + Q) .... constant values for at least one year.
Anyway, thanks for the opportunity you gave me once again to plead for 'eureka' My life coach - BEST concept dated when writing about something not in any work for swimming (1983)
With great sympathy
Mircea, 80 old, 19 Nov. 2015 Bucharest @ <Scanave@yahoo.com>
Atash_ my CV ....
 Name : OLARU, forname  - MIRCEA,  romanian ;
 Diplomat – teacher : phisical education / swimming  coach

BIRTH DATE/PLACE: 16 Mai 1936, Bolgrad (later Romanien Basarabia);
FAMILY: wife: Olga Olaru (1947), informaticien at RNC/ Internet National Center of  Romania
Daughter: Ana Maria Gunsel/Olaru (1969): Prof. lecturer at Cukurova Univ. Adana Turkey [Ilhami –1967, husband Museum Curator, Oxford Univ. Master, Jan Paul, 2000, student]
POSTAL ADDRESS:  Romania: 011455 Bd Averescu  Nr.1, bl 1, sc A, ap 20, Bucharest;
@mail  scanave@yahoo.com
[Graduate (9,20%)  ICF/ actual A.N.E.F.S  Bucharest -1963 , 1st degree ph.ed. teacher (1982)]
1963 – Resercer al Central Institute of  Sports-Research, Buc., Romania;
1968 – Swimming trainer at Sports School Club Nr 1 PAJURA Bucharest; coach ctg:1-st/’70;
1974 – Swimming coach at  I.Y.I.K Istanbul, Turkey;
1976 – Swimming coach at National Swimming High-school in Bucharest, Romania;
1982 – Federal coach al Romanian Swimming Federation (elected by the vote of coaches!)
1986 – Swimming trainer al Sports school Club nr 1 Buc , Romania;
1990 – Counselor trainer of the Turkish Swimming Fed., Ankara, Bolu, Kastamonu, a.a.;
1995 – Prof. asociat at Univ. Ecologica Bucuresti, swimming manual lessons, seminars;
1998 – pensioned: after 37 age-old in coaching-sport areea with aprox. 25.000 subiect learn-swimming, many  generations of romanian champions (I was federal coach responsable to degree of the best romanian swimmers, lake: Carmen Bunaciu, Anca Patrascoiu – JO Los Angeles/1984, also, for Tamara Costache: she was first WR of  50m free in Madrid CM / ‘86 with 0.25,28; also I coached with great succesfuly some turkysh swimmers, for  ex. 1974: 200 IM male – 2.14, 00 or 100m Breastroke- 1.10,00, two swimmers;
                1983 – I start to make know in the swimming-world the my ‘BEST-formul’/’Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test’ (she can be calculate very easy BEST = 100 – (Time+Strokes), one new practical methode to testing and clasification of the swimming-efficiency matter, also,(see Mag. EFS 1983/2, p.25)***
                In Sept. /  99, I imaginate one other formul ‘Personal Gliding Index’ / PGI = L – ( Kg. +  Q)
this mean: L= the Body lenght in gliding position (with the arms stretched forward); Kg.= Weight; Q = Nr. of Cm. between the under-armpit circumference (or other antropomophic measurmeants - angle, degree s.a –see Froude, Reynolds Nr.in hidrodinamics laws). 
1950-1961 : component of the National  Swim-Teams: 100m fly-1.06,10 / 1954, Nov., Rostock/25m, ex-DDR [the 5ft. Top.WC In that moment]
1959 – 1963 – student of the National Sport Institute ICF , Bucharest, Ro.. grd. 9,20%
1963-1968 : 5 years, experiments a new-methodical line of the fast+corectly swim teaching - “Research Center” – Viitorul, Bucarest; 
1970          –  publishes 1stt ‘swimming-learning broshure ’ (75.000 ex., color);
1971          -  Manual  ‘Swimming Lessons’, 120 pg., (10.000 ex);
1982          –  Swimming - Methodical Manual’ (5000 ex);
1984          –  2nd ‘swimming-learnig brochure’ (25000 ex);
1988          –  2nd manual ‘Swimming Lesons’ / Don`t be afraid for the water (5000 ex);
1993          – Manuals and leson plans (2) for student of Univ. Ecologica- Bucuresti;
1995          – 4 color posters with “swimm-strokes’ dedicate to explain the BEST new concept,
       the all  4 posters in colaboration  with Canada Swim/Natation – Trevor Tiffany, 4000 ex..
1999         -   mag.'Stiinta Sportului', ed CCPS, Referat - ‘Un nou concept in pregatirea inotatorilor'.
2007        -    swimbook ‚Despre inot ... cu Mircea Olaru1 (About swimming... with Mircea Olaru), a small sport-enciclopedia, 1000 ex Sponsorized by InfoTurism Buchrest, promotional book

1965-1999:  published tens of scientifical articles, paperin, inventor of some swimming apparatus ....;

***  This 2 new ‘instruments’ (the ‘BEST’ and ‘PGI’ formuls) can  be use in one new kind to make testings and classification among the swimmers in to 50m Events;  the all competitors / series, will be organisates by the one ‘PGI-annual-card’, combinated both: PGI – (T + S) this is one method to make the control of the moving efficincy and the organisation in the equall series among the swimmers without age and sexes criterions, only by the PGI –annual Card who can by easy recalculate in every years....

Text de raspuns pt Clive…..
Norocul meu a fost ca cineva mi-a scris pe Linkedin si asa ma vazut raspunsul tau (eu nu prea folosesc reteau Linkedin…)
De mult timp nu am mai sustinut cauza Conceptului BEST si iata ca incerc sa ma adun pentru a ma justifica in mod obiectiv, rational sub o forma matematica aplicata si admisa ca logica.
Ai pus suflet mare in corespondenta ta, este clar ca ai avut bunavointa si ai reusit sa citesti totul - te felicit…
Incerc sa ma explic, dar te rog sa ai rabdare…: aceasta formula a fost destinata, mai ales, copiilor si a celor care nu sunt asa de destepti precum suntem noi adultii….
Deci, pe scurt -
Daca fac asa cum ai remarcat tu (corect !)…, suma numarului de secunde plus a numarului de tempo, valoare lor va fi cu atat mai buna cu cat rezultatul este mai mic…; eu cred ca copiilor poate sa li se para neconvingator (“un rezultat mai mic sa fie unul bun…”), de aceia am introdus theoretic, formal, constanta ‘K’ (=100) care facea posibil ca rezulatul calculului sa aibe o valoare pozitiva, in crestere…; recunosc ca acest lucru l-am folosit la debutul lansarii Conceptului BEST(1983) si era fortat si nerealist, am admis ca introducerea constantei ‘K’ este artificiala si am cautat s-o inlocuiesc cu alta constanta…, asa am ajuns la PIG (Personal Index of Gliding…?)in 1999 (au fost zeci de ani de cautari pana am gasit remediul…).
Toti stim ca fiecare om are o valoare personala a capacitatii de a aluneca. Aceasta valoare rezulta din niste indicatori biologici, care variaza dela un individ la altul dar care au o insemnatate aparte in legatura cu corpul care inainteaza prin apa….
Mai voi explica imediat…,  dar pana atunci sper sa accepti ca o valoare buna PIG este importanta in realizarea unei viteze cat mai ridicata(a) si este si o valoare constanta, cel putin pentru un an de zile(b).
Daca scad din constanta PIG suma (‘Timp’+’Tempo’), cu cat voi avea o suma mai mica… imi ramane o constanta (PIG) mai mare si deci credibila in mintea incepatorului meu… +  pentru mine este o valoare care imi spune cert cam ce eficienta are sportivul meu la inot si asa pot incepe o ‘negociere’ a felului sau de a inota…..

Sper ca te-am lamurit asupra rationamentului meu care are in vedere nevoia de a oferi unui copil cifre credibile(A), si faptul ca acestea pot arata care este valoarea matematica a eficientei de inaintare in apa(B) folosind tehnica unui stil sportiv de inot, asa cum prevede regulamentul FINA/TSC (cele 4 stiluri de baza).

Astfel, presupun ca valorile ‘Timp’ si ‘Tempo’ sunt acceptate de noi doi, adica daca scad mathematic suma lor din constanta PIG, valoarea ne da o ideie despre eficienta celui care inoata. Sa nu uitam ca vorbim despre fel de fel de oameni, unii grasi, altii inalti, etc.
Deci PIG se calculeaza ( o singura data pe an…) astfel:
‘L’ = reprezinta lungimea cea mai mare pe care o poate avea un corp de inotator aflat in apa, adica in plutire ventrala intinsa…; pot sa iau, simplu, doar Talia, Inaltimea cum propui tu, dar facand asa ma lipsesc de doua repere importante pentru inot = ‘lungimea palmei’ si ‘marimea labei piciorului’; deci eu prefer valoarea constanta a a corpului aflat intins in apa din care voi scadea (exact ca la calculul eficientei) suma Greutatii corporale- Gr. (pe uscat) adunata cu Numarul de centimetri a circumferintei sub axilare -Q.
“Gr” = reprezinta, firesc, greutatea corpului pe uscat dar stim ca in apa aceasta greutate va scadea iar corpul, conform principiului lui Arhimede, va fi mai usor si deci va pluti mai usor; un corp greu va avea dificultati la plutire si inaintare…, unul usor va fi avantajat. A calcula ‘greutatea specifica’ a unui corp aflat in apa, presupune o mare bataie de cap, de aceea am ales cea mai simpla cale….
“Q” =  reprezinta un reper mult legat de inaintare, adica de rezistenta pe care o poate opune apa impotriva inaintarii corpului ( theoretic, chiar constructorii de nave, admit ca rezistenta va fi cu atat mai mica.., cu cat raportul intre lungimea corpului si latimea sa maxima are o valoare data de ‘formula Froude-Reynolds’, adica radical din lungime/latime – dar aceste calcule sunt imposibil de facut pentru un simplu antrenor.., chiar si pentru Bob Bowman(sic), asa ca am optat pentru o valoare semnificativa si fireasca -  Circumferinta sub-axilara / ca la croitor cand iti faci un costum de haine)
In final PIG este egal cu valoare ‘’L’ minus valoare sumei Numarului de kilograme ‘Gr’ adunat cu Numarul de centimetri(Q), adica PIG = L –(Gr.+Q)…. puncte constante timp de minimum un an calendaristic.
Asa ca azi, in 2015…, Formula BEST, in ultima sa varianta…(nu uita ca materialul trimis tie dateaza din 2010, asa am impresia…) este asa:
BEST = PIG – (Timp+Tempo)… puncte de eficienta

DAR, iti spun ceva care nu-l spun nimanui. Este ‘cadoul secret’ oferit celor care cred in Conceptul BEST….
I/ Sa stii ca cei care inoata avand conduita de a sprinta folosind economie de vasliri…. reusesc sa PERFECTIONEZE admirabil tehnica. Deci Conceptul BEST poate fi folosit, mai ales, pentru a avea un bun inotator cu tehnica perfecta.
II/ La fel, Conceptul BEST poate fi util celor din categoria ‘masters’; sunt foarte multi oameni care au invatat sa inoate dar nu au ajuns campioni olimpici…, cei mai multi.
Acestia, daca adopta conduita de a inota repede cu miscari putine vor ‘deveni proprii lor campioni’, ei isi vor imbunatati tehnica…, isi pot calcula mental valoarea prestatiei la un moment dat….,  + PIG, valoarea sa, poate fi folosita de arbitri, la alcatuirea unor serii de intrecere perfect egale din punct de vedere somatic si deci pline de ‘faire-play’
Eu incerc sa dau acest text, destinat tie, la un traducator bun de limba engleza (multi nu cunosc terminologia noastra..), sper sa reusesc. Daca TU ai incerca sa-l traduci si  sa-l faci inteligibil pentru vorbitorii de engleza… vei avea dela mine tot ce doresti…. Succes si Doamne ajuta !

Oricum iti multumesc ca mi-ai dat ocazia, inca odata, de a pleda pentru ‘evrika’ vietii mele de antrenor – Conceptul BEST, datat cand despre asa ceva nu se scria in nicio lucrare de inot (1983)
Cu mare simpatie

Mircea, 80 old, Bucharest 2015 19 Nov. @< scanave@yahoo.com>
Atash_ my CV….


Friday, February 5, 2016

Dacă tinerii ar trebui să se specializeze într-un sport competitiv la o varsta frageda ............

The Science of Sport

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Talent ID & Management Part 5: Early vs Late Specialisation?

02 Feb 2016Posted by Ross

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Dacă tinerii ar trebui să se specializeze într-un sport competitiv la o varsta frageda, sau să exercite o gamă mai largă de sporturi in timpul adolescentei este un subiect de o dezbatere (Baker, Cobley, si Fraser-Thomas, 2009) și este fundamental în cadrul politicii de sport si practica de coaching . Scopul acestui studiu a fost de rechemare retrospectiv pentru a identifica dacă specializare devreme sau diversificarea sportive (eșantionare) de-a lungul copilăriei și adolescenței poate influenta niveluri de performanță înainte de maturitate. Un chestionar online a fost folosit pentru a colecta istoriile de participare sport de 1006 Marea Britanie oameni de sport, care au fost apoi comparate cu cadrul de dezvoltare oferit de model de dezvoltare de participare Sport (DMSP, Cote si Fraser-Thomas, 2007). O asociere semnificativă între numărul de sport a participat la la vârsta de 11, 13, și 15 și a fost găsit standard de concurență între 16 și 18 ani. Persoanele care au concurat în trei sporturi cu vârste cuprinse între 11, 13, și 15 au fost semnificativ mai multe sanse de a concura la nivel național, comparativ cu standardul de club cu varste cuprinse intre 16 si 18 ani decat cei care practică un singur sport între. Constatarile raportate aici oferi un suport empiric pentru modelul cale DMSP performanță de eșantionare într-un context Marea Britanie.
·         Full text HTML PDF

Cuvinte cheie

·         prelevare de probe, sport, atlet, specializare, diversificarea

Articole similare

Yesterday I posted a video in my Talent ID and management series in which I introduced the concept of the 10,000 hour rule, and I explained how some of the foundational work in that area didn’t account for the possibility that ability drives practice, rather than the other way around, and also how 10,000 is clearly neither necessary, nor sufficient, to attain expert performance.
In fact, I’d go so far as to say that if it is going to take a person 10,000 hours to reach expert level, then they are probably a “bad investment” in a world where resources are scarce and where competition is so great.
In that video (which you can view below), I mentioned the detrimental implications of a 10,000 hour “dogma” more than once, and this video, Part 5 of the series, discusses one such potential downside.
That is, the preoccupation with logging those 10,000 hours feeds the idea that people must specialise early and be dedicated to a single sport.  How, for instance, can a person who takes up football or ice-hockey achieve the required 10,000 hours if they get distracted by other sports, which takes away their training time?
This is an argument, word for word, that I have heard presented at high performance and talent development conferences.  Every hour spent on Sport Y is an hour less spent on Sport X.
But what does the research say?  What does common sense say?  We know a fair amount about specialisation vs sampling/diversification, and this video is my attempt to explain some of those concepts to you.
Below you can view Part 5: Specialisation, and immediately below that, is Part 4 on the 10,000 hour dogma, because the two are, as you will hopefully recognise, closely linked.
Enjoy, and remember to share, and I’ll be back soon with Part 6, tackling the Relative Age Effect.
Thanks for watching.  Here are the posts from Parts 1 to 4 of the series!

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1/ Talent ID Video series: #1 – fundamental concept and definition

06 Jan 2016Posted by Ross

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Hello everyone, and happy new year!  I hope that whatever your profession or goals, you will have a successful, high-performing and victorious year!
I’m kicking off the year with the first part of my Talent ID series, which Iintroduced to you from London in December.  I’m doing this as a video series, because it’s much faster for me, and because I hope that the combination of my voice-over and the slides that I have prepared to give at a few conferences is a more dynamic and engaging way of presenting the subject.  A few of you asked me to rather write these posts, and I wish I had the time (and energy), but I hope this is a suitable compromise.
Today is part 1, which covers the fundamental concepts of Talent Identification and Management, and defines Talent ID & development in a strategic and tactical sense.  It also outlines the concepts that I’ll be discussing as we proceed, rather than talking about the specific content of Talent ID, which I leave to those far more qualified than I!
The video comes first, and the original presentation, in its entirety is below that, so you can see where we are headed.  As I said in the introductory post, this is a fascinating topic, one that I really love, because it marries the strategic, tactical and operational aspects of sport, and it’s very real – whether you are a parent, teacher, young athlete, old athlete, coach, HP manager, or even a business person who is looking for “talent” in the workplace, there are concepts here that are fascinating and powerful.  So if anyone happens to read this, and would like further engagement and discussion on it, please don’t hesitate to contact me – ross.tucker@mweb.co.za
Enjoy part 1!


2/ Talent ID & Management Series, Part 2: Accepted inefficiencies

19 Jan 2016Posted by Ross

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Welcome to Part 2 of the Talent ID & Management series.  As you may recall from Part 1, I am talking you through a presentation I have given to English FA and English Rugby in recent months, on the subject of Talent ID and development.
Keeping that theme going, today’s section of the presentation tackles the “bets” we make when we invest in young sportspeople, and how those bets are inherently inefficient because we lack the tools to measure performance, to predict future performance, and to control “real life” that sometimes gets in the way.
Understanding this inefficiency, and the factors driving it, is key to figuring out how best to improve it, and how, in some instances, to use inefficiencies in one area for advantages in others.  That’s where we are headed, but for today, please enjoy a section specific on the inefficiencies!
As before, the YouTube comes first, and you can see the entire Prezi below it.


3/Talent ID & Management Part 3: Imperfect tools & sensible science

26 Jan 2016Posted by Ross

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Here is part 3 of my ongoing Talent ID and management series.  If you missed the first two instalments, you can view them at the following links:
Today I discuss what I think is an important concept in terms of managing expectations around how talent can be identified, and performance predicted.  It deals with the precision and resolution of the tools  we have at our disposal.
It’s important because our ability to identify a given young player as talented (having potential) is limited by those tools. We want to put a young player through a test battery, in addition to our subjective evaluation of their ability, in order to make that budgeting decision that drives resource allocation.
But these tests do not have the kind of resolution that people seem to expect of them. That is, they cannot identify with any certainty who will succeed, and who will fail. Our reluctance or inability to recognise this has lead to a ‘scorched earth’ attitude towards talent, where examples of players who are “missed” or misjudged by a system and its scouts are held up as proof that talent either does not exist or is over-rated (Tom Brady is the most common of these, Steph Curry recently did the rounds too). Therefore, because we do not have 20/20 vision when it comes to predicting a performance future, we choose blindness.
This video is an attempt to address that imbalance.
First, we can hopefully agree that tools for Talent ID can be imperfect without being worthless.  It need not be all or nothing, 20/20 or blindness.
Second, you must appreciate that the higher up the pathway you move, and the more elite your group of viable athletes, the less precise your ability to measure potential becomes.  Why?  Because in a truly elite group, made up of say, the top 1% of all athletes playing a sport, the difference between #1 and #200 is absolutely tiny.  Minuscule.
So, there is no test, no measurement, no physiological battery, that will be able to tell those players apart because they are so close together that their sporting future is determined by innumerable factors that cannot be measured.
It’s different when you compare me to a top level college player in the USA, or a rugby player in an Academy team in the UK. I’m not even in the conversation, and pretty much any test, tool or measurement will tell you that. The gap is large enough that the resolution of those tests, however poor, is sufficient for its purpose. But when you start looking for differences between players in the top 1%, then it isn’t, and things that can’t be measured start to influence performance. This includes the favourite rallying cry of the talent deniers, hard work. Nobody ever suggested that hard work and smart training would not matter.
That is why Tom Brady, who clearly had SOME ability (he was offered a baseball contract straight out of high school, so his throwing ability was recognised very early), can succeed despite being the 199th pick, while others who are in the top 10 picks may ‘fail’.  It’s why Jaime Vardy of Leicester can go from playing non-league football to setting topflight records – he was at 99% already.
The tools didn’t fail, and nor did the concept of talent.  It’s more a reflection of the subjective nature of Talent ID, the relative imprecision of the tools, and the enormous complexity of providing the optimal environment for a player.  If you can appreciate this, then you are in a good position to capitalise on all those ‘undiscovered’ gems who actually have been discovered, but just not polished enough.
There’s a gold-mine out there, and good talent systems unearth them.  Your job, as a coach, a parent, a sports scientist, is to make sure you don’t lose sight of them because you’re stuck on the 0.0001% that are obvious.
Your best bet then, in terms of screening for talent and measuring performance, is to:
a) Make sure that you focus on trajectory rather than current ability.  That is, make the movie, rather than taking the still photograph, and;
b) Apply tools and measurement for different purposes at different stages of the pathway.  Your goal is to make sure that the top 5% are kept viable, which means getting them through each step of the pathway.  In Tom Brady’s and Steph Curry’s case, this means exposing them at high school, and making sure they are picked into the US-college system.
Once there, competition and continued exposure will reveal who makes the next step, into the top 1% (entering the draft and being selected, even if it is 199th).  And then, it is up to competition and ‘intangibles’ to make the top 0.01%.
So be mindful, and use common sense!  I’m not writing an essay though, the video below is long enough, so enjoy, and see you for Part 4 soon!

4/Talent ID & Management: The 10,000 hour “rule” and talent

01 Feb 2016Posted by Ross

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Welcome back to my ongoing video series on talent ID and management.
Today is Part 4, but you can get up to speed with the previous instalments at the following links:
Today I shift focus and take on one of the more widely debated issues around Talent ID, the 10,000 hour rule.
Three books popularised this notion that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert, and that success can’t happen without it.  The initial work was done on violinists, but it’s been applied to all manner of expertise, even though the vast majority of the work says that it does NOT take this long to become world class.
In fact, if we work off my strategic and tactical definition of Talent ID (a budgeting function that directs the allocation of scarce resources towards those with the greatest likelihood of success), then the 10,000 hour concept is actually detrimental, because it forces inefficient thinking on decision makers.  I’d go so far as to say that an athlete who requires 10,000 hours to become world-class is a drain on the system.
In the video below, I introduce you to the false dichotomy that was created between talent and training, and how these books falsely scorched the notion of talent in the name of encouraging people and offering them hope.  That’s never a bad thing, of course, but it became counter-productive, for reasons that I’ll explain as we proceed.
I also critique the original violin study, and offer up examples who disprove the rule, and share my thoughts on where the message got distorted (deliberately or otherwise).
Next time, I’ll take the logical step and show some examples and research of how elite athletes actually do become elite, and why the 10,000 rule is actually detrimental.

Jurnalul de Stiinte Sport

Volume 31, Issue 1, 2013

Articole originale

Specializată sau de prelevare de probe dezbaterii: o analiză retrospectivă a participării sport adolescent din Marea Britanie

10.1080 / 02640414.2012.721560
Pagini 87-96
·         Primit: 2011-07-29
·         Acceptate: 13/08/2012
·         On-line Publicat: 2012-09-13