Monday, January 8, 2018

Can it be mathematically calculated, which is the Efficiency of the swimmer?

Ana Maria Olaru/Gunsel, Ciukurova Univ. Adana
Poate fi calculata matematic, obiectiv care este Efficiency of inotatorului ?
 De regula performanta, cronometrul, dau aprecierea reala a  valoarii unui sportiv.
Dar inotul sportiv a devenit atat de popular si are atatea valente incat pregatirea de perspectiva a unui incepator cere ca acesta sa inoate cat mai corect si eficient, de la seson la secon.

Multi antrenori se folosesc doar de cronometru si planifica diferite formule de antrenament [volum, intensitate, complexitate]; de multe ori efortul astfel evaluat se rezuma doar la 'cata oboseala a fost invinsa de sportiv'?

Dar cel care inoata corect, tehnica procedeului de concurs, demonstreaza ca performanta nu este egala doar cu ceea ce arata cronometrul [care 'spune' how] ci si de ceea ce arata 'cum ai rezolvat' confruntarea intre cerintele efortului si posibilitatile personale avute de sportiv.
De ex. - care este mai eficient intre acesti doi sportivi :Amandoi inoata aceiasi distanta, aceiasi performanta dar unul foloseste un numar mai mic de vasliri fata de celalalt ?
Eu, si inca multi altii vor spune, logic, ca cel care inoata cu mai putine vasliri este mai Eficient.

Evaluarea Eficientei s-ar rezuma doar la numararea vaslirilor si astfel s-ar putea face chiar un alt clasament ..., dar  Eficienta mai depinde si de Biotipul-au somatic al celui care inoata; deci daca amandoi inotat la fel, si chiar au un numar egal de vasliri cine ar putea fi declarat mai bun, mai eficient:- cel care este mic si dolofan sau cel care este lung si subtire?

Deci Eficienta, in interiorul 'artei de a inota' este o dimensiune care devine importanta si bine ar fi ca ea sa fie calculata obiectiv, matematic.

Eu pledez pentru o formula simpla, care poate fi calculata mental, la fiecare antrenament si, dece  nu chiar la intreceri de 'inot eficient', intreceri care vor fi diferite fata de cele aprobate de FINA - Rules.

Formula dupa care se poate calcula matematic valoarea Eficientei unui inotator are in vedere urmatoarele date:
1.Time indicat de cronometru pe o distanta data [ de regula pe 50m]
2. Numarul de vasliri folosite... si
3.Valoarea Indecelui Personal de Alunecare [ acest indice este cvazi-constant, dar diferit la de inotator la inotator]; Introducand in calcul aceasta valoare constanta vom putea face strict - o diferentiere obiectiva a ceea ce intelegem prin Eficienta la inot.

Iata formula "the Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test / BEST" > PIG - [Time + Tempo] = ..... points of Efficiency.

{{ PIG reprezinta valoarea care rezulta din suma greutatii corporale pe uscat, adunata cu numarul de centimetri care masoara circumefrinta sub axilara a toracelui (ca la croitor...), suma care va fi scazuta din lungimnea totala a corpului inotatorului intins in pozitia de plutire orizontal-ventrala}} de exemplu: Lungimea este 210cm - [30+20] ...= 160 points

**Obs: PIG este foarte necesar daca s-ar organiza intreceri de massa, cu multi inotatori, evident diferiti ca Biotip-somatic iar seriile ar putea fi organizate perfect egal dupa valoarea PIG**

CONCLUZIA FINALA: din experienta practica, s-a remarcat, ca cei care reusesc sa inoate cat pot ei de repede, folosind cat mai putine vasliri ..., ajung sa perfectioneze tehnica (!!!), corectitudinea miscarilor de inot fiiind singura cale de a inota Eficient [ acest concept referitor la Eficienta a fost generat de intelesul unui aforism antic 'Festina lente'....
(by Google translate....) 

Can it be mathematically calculated, which is the Efficiency of the swimmer?
 As a rule, the performance, the timer, gives the real appreciation of an athlete's worth.
But sports swimming has become so popular and has so many valences that a beginner's perspective requires that he swim as fairly and efficiently as possible from the seson to the secon.

Many coaches use only the timer and plan different training formulas [volume, intensity, complexity]; often the effort so assessed is limited to how much fatigue has been overtaken by the athlete?

But the one who swims fairly, the technique of the contest process, demonstrates that performance is not just what the timer shows [how to say] but also what it looks like 'how did you solve' the confrontation between the demands of the effort and the personal possibilities sport.
For example. - Which is more effective between these two athletes: Both swim the same distance, the same performance but one uses a smaller number of vans than the other?
Me and many others will say, logically, that the one who swims with fewer vans is more efficient.

Efficiency Estimates would only be about counting vessels and so could even make another ranking ... but Efficiency also depends on the somatic type of the Bottler; so if they both swim the same way, and even have an equal number of vendors who could be declared better, more efficient: - who is small and chubby or long and thin?

So the efficiency inside the 'art of swimming' is a dimension that becomes important and it would be good for it to be objectively mathematically calculated.

I advocate for a simple formula that can be mentally calculated at each training and not even at 'effective swimming' races, which will be different from those approved by FINA - Rules.

The formula after which the value of a swimmer can be calculated mathematically takes into account the following data:
1.Time indicated by the stopwatch over a given distance [usually 50m]
2. The number of vans used ... and
3.The value of the Personal Sliding Index [this index is quasi-constant, but different from the swim to the swimmer]; By taking this constant value into account, we can do strictly - an objective differentiation of what we mean by Swimming Efficiency.

Here's the formula "The Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test / BEST"> PIG - [Time + Tempo] = ..... points of Efficiency.

{{PIG is the value resulting from the sum of the body weight on land, gathered with the number of centimeters that measures the circus under the axillary of the chest (as the tailor ...), the amount that will be deducted from the total length of the swimmer's body stretched to the position floating horizontally-ventral}} for example: The length is 210cm - [30 + 20] ... = 160 points

** Obs: PIG is very necessary if mass races were organized with many swimmers, obviously different like Biotip-somatic and the series could be organized perfectly equal to the value PIG **

FINAL CONCLUSION: From practical experience, it was noted that those who manage to swim as fast as they can, using as few as possible ..., improve the technique (!!!), the correctness of the swimming movements being the only way to Efficient Swimming [this concept of Efficiency was generated by the meaning of an ancient aphorism 'slow fetish' ....
Bibliografia este lista lucrărilor de înot aflate în biblioteca personală a autorului …

1925 Auge Claude – Nouveau petit Larousse ilustre, lib. Larousse, Paris.
1929 Villepion G. – Nageons, ed. Grasset, Paris,
1942 Armbruster David, Sr. – Competitive swimming, Mosby, St. Louis,
1943 Const. Kiriţecu – Palestrica, Ed, Casa Scoalelor, Buc.
1950 Braecklein Heinz – Lerne Schwimmen, Sportverlag, Berlin,
1951 Kiphuth Robert – Basic swimming, Nikolas Kaye,  London,
1952 Lascu Alex, – Sărituri în apă, Ed. CFS,  Buc.
1952 Vrjesnevskii I.V.– Plavanie, Fizkultura i Sport,  Moskva, 
1954 Mann Matt– Swimming Fundamentals, Prentice-Hall,  N-York,
1955 Rajki Bela – A versenyuszas technikaja, Sport Lap,  Budapest,
1962 Drăgan, Mladin – Invăţaţi înotul,  Ed. CFS, , Buc.
1962 FISS  - Reglements de Fed. Int. de Souvetage, Paris,
1963 Lambert, Liska, Passer, Zitek – Plavani mladeje, Sport-Turistka,  Praha, 
1963 Nabatnikova M.A., Inotul sportiv, Ed. EFS, , Buc.
1965 Butovici,Vrjesnevskii & colab, Plavanie, Fizkultura i Sport, Moskva,
1965 Lewin Gerhard Dr.– Schwimmen, Sportverlag, , Leipzig
1967 Talbot Don – Swimming to win, Hawthorn books inc, New-York
1968  W. Kunding – Turquie, Ed.Silva, Zurich, Ch.
1968 Popov V.G.– Na golubâh dorojkah, Fizkultura i Sport,  Moskva, RS
1969 N. Dumitrescu, I.Oprişescu – Curs de înot, ed. ICF. Buc.
1969 Carlile Forbes– On Swimming, Pelham Sportss, Lib, London
1969 Liuţkanova I– Treenirovka na Pluveţa, mediţin i fizkultura,  Sofia,
1969 Maslov V.I.– Nacialnoe obucenie Plavaniu, Fizkultura i Sport, Moskva,
1969 Tetschke Elli – Moderner schwimm-unterricht, Sportverlag,  Berlin
1969 Schnurpel, Stahn – Rettungs-schwimmen, Sportverlag,  Berlin,
1969 Vrjesnevskii I.V.– Plavanie, Fizkultura i Sport, Moskva,
1970 Gallagher Harry – On swimming, Pelham Books, London,
1970 Olaru M. – Inotul Sportiv- învăţarea tehnicii , Ed. CNEFS, Buc
1970 Torney, Clayton – Aquatic instruction,Burges Publ, Comp,  Minneapolis
1970 Stichert K.H. – Sport – Schwimmen, Sportverlag, Berlin
1971 Carlile Forbes – On swimming, Pelham Books, London,
1971 Colwin Cecil – On swimming, Pelham Books,  Lomdon,
1971 E.Magda, M. Olaru – Lecţiide înot, Ed. Sport-Turism, Buc
1972 Allardice J. – Medical Aspects of Swimming, Pelhm Books,  London
1972 Ciobanu, Cerchez, Munteanu – Inot pe înţelesul tutror,Ed Stadion,  Buc.
1972 Gambril Don – Schwimmen, Leistungsport, , Bockenem,
1973 Kuhlman Detlef – Sprechen im sport untericht, ISBN 3778049119,
1974 Counsilman J Dr. - The science of Swimming, Prentice Hall Inc
1974 Laer, Witvrouv – Prestatie boekje Zwemmen, Aarhus,
1975 Emcioglu Haluk – Yuzme, Husnutabiat, Matba, istanbul,
1975 Makarenko L.P.– Tehniceskoe Masterstvo Plovţa, Fizkultura i Sport, Moskva, RS
1975 Turcaş C. – Inotul şi jocuri pt copii, Sport-Turism, Buc.
1976 Talbot Don– How to swim faster, Ed. Jack Pollard, Pytsburg
1977 Counsilman J. Dr. – Competitive Swimming Manual, Bloomington Indiana
1977 Oprişescu I – Bazele antrenamentului la înot, ICF , Buc.
1978 Duduleanu M.– Proverbele lumii despre calităţi şi defecte, Ed. Albatros, Buc
1978 Oppenheim Francois – Histoire de la Natation, Chiron-Sports,
1978 Popescu Alexander –Schwimmen,BLV Munchen,
1978 Sgrumala, Bidoaie – Proiectarea navelor mici, Ed. Tehnică,  Buc.
1979 Earl Mindell  Vitamin Bible, Warner Books Ed.,
1979 Lewin, Gerhard, Prof. Dr. - Swimming, Sportverlag (in English), Berlin
1979 Makarenko L.P. – Plavanie,  Fizkultura i Sport,  Moskva,
1979 Nagy Sandor –Tanulj is uszni, Ed. Sport, , Budapest,
1979 Pahncke Wolfgang – Schwimmen in Vergangenheit, Sportverlag Berlin,
1979 Schmid Ludvik – Prvni Pomoc , Olimpia Praha, ,
1979 Simenschy Th. - Un dicţonar al înţelepciunii, Ed. Junimea, Iaşi,
1981 Fahnemann Albrecht – Die grossen wasserspielle, Swimmsportverlag,
1981 Fucci, Benigni – Meccanica dell’apparato locomotore, Scuola dello sport,
1981 Makarenko L.P. – Ucitesi Plavati Krolem , Fizkultura i Sport,  Mopskva,
1981 Parfenov V.A. – Plavanie, Fizkultrura i Sport,  Moskva,
1981 Săndulescu I. – Sisteme informatice, ed. Stinţifică şi Enciclopedică, Buc.
1981 Zaţiorscki V.M.– Biomehanika Plavanie,  Fizkultura i Sport,  Moskva, RS
1982 Dragan, I. Dr. - Medicina sportivă aplicată, Ed. Sport-Turism,  Buc.
1982 Maglischo E. – Swimming Faster, California St. Col,
1982 Neacşu C. – Informaţia biologică, Ed. Stiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, Buc.
1982 Olaru Mircea – INOT manual metodic, Ed, Sport-Turism,  Buc.
1982 Scholich Manfrd – Kreistraining, Sportverlag,  Berlin
1982 Urmuzescu A. – Complexitatea efortului la înot, Ed. CCDEFS, Buc
1983 Baroga Lazar – Săli şi aparate EFS,  CNEFS;, Buc.
1983 Kislov, Panaev – Neptun cobiraet druzei, Fizkultura i Sport, , Moskva,
1983 Kolguşkin A.N.– Puti k zimnemu plavaniu,  Fizkultuira i Sport,  Moskva,
1983 Makarenko L.P.– Iujnâi ploveţ Fizkultura i Sport, Moskva,
1983 Manno Renato – Teoria dell’allenamento – Nuoto, Scuola dello sport,  Roma,
1983 Matei H.C. – Civilizaţia Lumii Antice, Ed. Eminescu, Buc.,
1983 Semenov I.A. – Navâk plavania kajdomu, Fizkultura i Sport,  Moskva,
1983 Suner Mahmut – SCUBA, Cemoffset, , Istanbul
1983 Timakov V. -  Naucinoe Obespecenie podgotovki , Fizkultura i Sport, Moskva,
1983 Vickers Vincent, – Swimming, Brown Comp. Publ. Yowa,
1983 Voronţov A.R. – Plavanie baterfleaem, Fizkultura I Sport, Moskva,
1984 Bulgakova N.J.– Plavanie,  Fizkultura i Sport, Moskva,
1984, Farafonov M.S. – Plavanie na spine, Fizkultura i Sport, Moskva,
1985 Fiedler Klaus– Schwimmsport, Sportverlag Berlin,
1985 Osokina T.I. – Kak nauciti detei plavati, Prosvescenie,  Moskva, RS
1985 Platonov, Vaiţehovscki -  Trenirofka Plovţov, Fizkultura i Sport,  Moskva, RS
1985 Timakova T.S.– Mnogoletnaia Podgotovka plovţa, Fizkultuira i Sport, Moskva,
1985 Witkowski M. – Plyvanie ratunkove, Sport-Tursika, , Warşava,
1986 Bozdogan Ahmet – Yuzme, Gorselsanatlar, , Istanbul,
1986 Bulgakova N.J – Otbor i podgotovka iunij plovţov, Fizkultura I Sport,  Moskva,
1986 Haase Johannes– Spiele im Wasser, Sportverlag,  Berlin,
1987 Padoverse, Dalbesio, Granella, Aliani – Turchia, I luoghi delle origini Cristiane, Ed. Piemme, Parma, It.
1987 TYASF  - Yuzme ogretmeni el kitabi,  Ankara,
1987 Urmuzescu A. – Randamentul optim la înot, Ed. CCDEFS, Buc.
1988 Apostol D.  - Enigmele Terei, editura Sport-Turism, Bucureşti
1988 FINA – Swimming Manual, Swimming/Natation Canada,
1988 Georgescu, Constantin – Controlul medical şi primul ajutor în EFS, IEFS, Buc.
1988 Olaru Mircea – Să nu ne temem de apă, Ed. Sport-Turism,  Buc.
1988 Reha Alpar – Yuzme ve Sutopu,Turk federasyonu, Istanbul,
1989 Dragan I.Prof. Dr.  - Selecţia şi orientarea medico-sportiva, Ed. Sport-Turism , Buc.
1989 Dragan I. Prof. Dr.- Practica medicinei sportive, Ed. Medicală, Buc-
1989 Olaru Mircea - Aprecieri asupra recordurilor mondiale la înot, Rev. EFS, Buc. RO
1989 Pursley, D. – Climb to the top, Aquazoid Publk.
1990 Dabney G. - Swimming, Troll Associates,  London,
1990 Serif Sofular – Paletli yuzme, Nildeniz, Istanbul
1992 Turcas C, Olaru M - Note de curs, Univ. Ecologică , Buc.
1993 Pfeifer Helga – Schwimm – Training im Verein, Sportverlag, Berlin,
1993 Turcas, Zelinschi, Marinescu, Olaru – Curs de Inot, Univ. Ecologică,  Buc.
1994 Neil Cohen  Sports encyclopedia, Bantam Books,
1995 Dragan, Stroescu – Medicaţia la sportivi, ed Cucuteni,  Buc.
1995 Drăgan Ioan & Colab. - Masaj, Recuperare, Ed. Cucuteni,  Buc.
1995 Hannula Dick – Coaching swimming successfully, Human Kinetics, Avon,
1995 Postolache Nicolae  Istoria sportului în România, ed. Proexim, Buc.
1996 Cristea, Sorin – Pedagogie generala, Managementul educatiei, EDP, Buc.
1996 Matei H. – Enciclopedia antichităţii, Ed.Meronia, Buc.
1998 FINA  Handbook, 1998-2000, FINA Office, , Lausanne,
1998 Gunsel A.M.- Sportiv yuzme, Bagirgan yayimevi, Ankara,
1999 Hines Emmett– Fitness swimming, Human Kinetics, , Leeds,
2000 Maudesport -The A-Z sport&leisure guide, West Midland,
2001 Gunsel, A.M. – Yaşamin ilk aylarinda yuzme, Cukurova Univ.,  Adana
2002 Kent Michael – Oxford Dictionary of Sport,  Londra,  Avon,
2004 Cojocariu, Venera-Mihaela – Introducere in managementul  educatiei  EDP,  Buc.
2004 Gunsel Ana Maria – A’dan Z’ye resimli Spor rehberi, Kare yayinlari,  Ankara,
2005 Gunsel Ana Maria – Herkes icin yuzme, Kare yayinlari,  Ankara,
2010 Newell,Cross, Cowcher,  Barnabei, SWIMMING
2011 Newsome, Young SWIM SMOOTH
 Name : OLARU, forname  - MIRCEA,  romanian ;
 Diplomat – teacher : phisical education / swimming  coach

BIRTH DATE/PLACE: 16 Mai 1936, Bolgrad (later Romanien Basarabia);
FAMILY: wife: Olga Olaru (1947), informaticien at RNC/ Internet National Center of  Romania
Daughter: Ana Maria Gunsel/Olaru (1969): Prof. lecturer at Cukurova Univ. Adana Turkey [Ilhami –1967, husband Museum Curator, Oxford Univ. Master, Jan Paul,2000, student]
EMAIL ADDRESS:  Romania: @mail>
[Graduate (9,20%)  ICF/National Phisical Culture Institut, Bucharest -1963 , 1st degree ph.ed. teacher (1982)]
1963 – Resercer al Central Institute of  Sports-Research, Buc., Romania;
1968 – Swimming trainer at Sports School Club Nr 1 PAJURA Bucharest; coach ctg:1-st/’70;
1974 – Swimming coach at  I.Y.I.K Istanbul, Turkey;
1976 – Swimming coach at National Swimming High-school in Bucharest, Romania;
1982 – Federal coach al Romanian Swimming Federation (elected by the vote of coaches!)
1986 – Swimming trainer al Sports school Club nr 1 Buc , Romania;
1990 – Counselor trainer of the Turkish Swimming Fed., Ankara, Bolu, Kastamonu, a.a.;
1995 – Prof. asociat at Univ. Ecologica Bucuresti, swimming manual lessons, seminars;

1998 – pensioned: after 37 age-old in coaching-sport areea with aprox. 20.000 subiect learn-swimming, many  generations of romanian champions (I was federal coach responsable to degree of the best romanian swimmers, lake: Carmen Bunaciu, Anca Patrascoiu – JO Los Angeles/1984, also, for Tamara Costache: she was first romanian WR of  50m free in Madrid CM / ‘86 with 0.25,28; also I coached with great succesfuly some turkysh swimmers, for  ex. 1974: 200 IM male – 2.14, 00 or 100m Breastroke- 1.10,00, two swimmers;
               1983 – I start to make know in the swimming-world the my ‘BEST-formul’/’Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test’ (she can be calculate very easy BEST = 100 – (Time+Strokes), one new practical methode to testing and clasification of the swimming-efficiency matter, also,(see Mag. EFS 1983/2, p.25)***
               In Sept. /  99, I imaginate one other formul ‘Personal Gliding Index’ / PGI = L – ( Kg. +  Q)
this mean: L= the Body lenght in gliding position (with the arms stretched forward); Kg.= Weight; Q = Nr. of Cm. between the under-armpit circumference (or other antropomophic measurmeants - angle, degree s.a –see Froude, Reynolds hidrodinamics laws). 

1950-1961 : component of the National  Swim-Teams: 100m fly-1.06,10 / 1954, Nov., Rostock/25m, ex-DDR [the 5ft. Top.WC In that moment]
1959 – 1963 – student of the National Phisical Culture Institut ICF , Bucharest, Ro.. grd. 9,20%
1963-1968 : 5 years, experiments a new-methodical line of the ‚fast+corectly swim teaching’ - “Research Center” – Viitorul, Bucarest; 
1970          –  publishes 1stt ‘swimming-learning broshure ’ (75.000 ex., color);
1971          -  Manual  ‘Swimming Lessons’, 120 pg., (10.000 ex);
1982          –  Swimming - Methodical Manual’ (5000 ex);
1984          –  2nd ‘swimming-learnig brochure’ (25000 ex);
1988          –  2nd manual ‘Swimming Lesons’ / Don`t be afraid for the water (5000 ex);
1993          – Manuals and leson plans (2) for student of Univ. Ecologica- Bucuresti;
1995          – 4 color posters with “swimm-strokes’ dedicate to explain the BEST new concept,
       the all  4 posters in colaboration  with Canada Swim/Natation – Trevor Tiffany, 4000 ex..
1999         -mag.'Stiinta Sportului', ed CCPS, Referat - ‘Un nou concept in pregatirea inotatorilor'.
2007        -    swimbook ‚Despre inot ... cu Mircea Olaru1 (About swimming... with Mircea Olaru), a small sport-enciclopedia, 1000 ex sponsorized by InfoTurism Buchrest, promotional book

1965-1999:  published tens of scientifical articles, paperin, inventor of some swimming apparatus ....;

***  This 2 new ‘instruments’ (the ‘BEST’ and ‘PGI’ formuls) can  be use in one new kind to make testings and classification among the swimmers in to 50m Events;  the all competitors / series, will be organisates by the one ‘PGI-annual-card’, combinated both: PGI – (T + S) this is one method to make the control of the moving efficincy and the organisation in the equall series among the swimmers without age and sexes criterions, only by the PGI –annual Card who can by easy recalculate in every years....

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Lui John Mulllen ....

Dear John ... It is hard to translate this terminology, as if it is a special language ... .. (Here are some ideas from the book 'About Swimming', M. Olaru, 2007, in Google's translation, which also has translation faults ... uf)


Supplementary, non - specific form of training with the aim of developing the general (basic and auxiliary) motor skills and the special part (according to the schedule of the contest, etc.) in accordance with the instructive - educational tasks specific to the practice of swimming.

Its content, location and rhythm differs according to the objectives pursued:
   - supporting aerobic capabilities (sports games, choices, extensive circuit training)
   - for the development of muscle strength (anaerobic capacity) with various exercises, complex with various difficulties (intensive trainig circuit, weightlifting);
   - for speed development (repetition, reaction)
   - high degree of joint mobility and relaxation of the muscles (detenta)
   - Increasing driving experience (skills).

Land-based training can have as a 'inventory' methods of effort simulation from the competition test to the performance groups using high-tech equipment (Miny-Gym, different 'trainers' or 'assisted biochemical simulators', etc.)

It can appear with a separate note in those clubs where winter does not have the best working conditions (covered pool) and when the health condition does not allow entry into the water for a short period of time and the physical training can not be interrupted.

Onshore training can be an ideal 'training school' for habituation with orderly work, discipline, punctuality, etc .; Through him he can give the athlete a way to bypass the monotony at certain moments of preparation (see Appendix 5, 6, 7)


Special sporting mobility

            Mobility is the quality by which the swimmer manages to execute movements with high angular amplitude through the action of the athlete (active mobility) and / or the intervention of external forces (passive mobility) of a partner, assistant, masseur, etc.

            Active static (starting position) or dynamic forms (lifting the shoulder over the water luster) are closely related to the coordination of the technique (as accurate as possible) and to the effort (endurance, attention, patience)

            Passive mobility occurs only on land, thanks to the application of an external force, which achieves the maximum degree of amplitude in the joint.

            The difference between active and passive mobility is considered to be an 'important mobility reserve', although forward looking

            In accordance with the specific effort of a contest or distance, we can talk about 'mobility-speed' or 'mobility-force'. Forms that can be programmed judiciously within a weekly cycle, etc.

            The following exercises address, in particular, swimmers in two major directions: the development of specific articular mobility (a) and parallel extensions, effort-strained muscle stretches (b) for as much relaxation and return to muscle tone as is appropriate for us Resuming effort.

            1 Before starting the program, a good heating of the entire muscular, articular system will be ensured; Obviously before starting water training.

            2. Maintaining optimal mobility is done through daily practice!

            3. Exercises of stretching will be occasioned by special exercises intended for the development of force, interleaving them among them.

            4. When working with partner or assistant, masseur etc. Exercises must be carefully metered, supervised to prevent the risk of injury; so:

            Active Phase - Mobility: As long as it allows natural mobilization (about 3-5 sec.)

            + Passive phase - muscle stretching: the gradual application of external force by partner, assistant, etc. (About 6-9sec.) After which, end point + a single energetic arc that does not have to cause pain; In case of pain the exercises will be stopped and the sports doctor will be immediately consulted.

            5. Each exercise that requires a distinct joint or muscle group can be repeated 3-4 times at the same time interval.

            6. This scheme will not run before comp
Anexa nr 5

Mobilitate specială la înot sportiv

            Mobilitatea este calitatea prin care înotătorul reuşeşte să execute mişcările cu amplitudine unghiulară mare prin acţiunea voită a sportivului (mobilitate activă) sau / şi cu intervenţia unor forţe exterioare (mobilitate pasivă) a unui partener, asistent, maseur etc..

            Formele active statice (poziţia de start) sau dinamice (ridicarea umărului peste luciul apei) sunt în strânsă legătură cu coordonarea tehnicii (cât mai corectă) şi cu capacitatea de efort (anduranţa, atenţia, răbdarea)

            Mobilitatea pasivă se manifestă doar pe uscat, graţie aplicării unei forţe exterioare, prin care se atinge gradul maxim de amplitudine în articulaţia respectivă.

            Diferenţa dintre mobilitatea activă şi cea pasivă este considerată ’rezerva de mobilitate’importantă dăcă se estimează evaluarea de perspectivă

            In concordanţă cu cu efortul specific unei probe sau distanţe de concurs putem vorbi despre ’mobilitate-viteză’ sau mobilitate-forţă’ ş.a. forme care pot fi programate judicios în cadrul unui ciclu săptămânal etc.

            Exerciţiile următoare se adresează, îndeosebi, înotătorilor sportivi pe două mari direcţii: dezvoltarea mobilităţii articulare specifice (a) şi în paralel extensii, întinderi ale musculaturii marcate de efort (b) pentru o cât mai mare relaxare şi revenirea la un tonus muscular adecvat pentru noi reluări de efort.

            1 Inaintea începerii programului se va asigura o bună încălzirea a întregului sistem muscular, articular; evident înaintea începerii antrenamentului în apă.

            2. Menţinerea mobilităţii optime se face prin exersare zilnică !

            3. Exerciţiile de întindere vor fi prilejuite de exerciţile speciale destinate dezvoltării forţei, intercalându-le printre acestea.

            4. Atunci când se lucrează cu partener sau asistent, maseur etc. exerciţiile trebuie atent dozate, supravegheate spre a preveni riscul unor accidentări; astfel:

            Faza activă – de mobilitate :atât cât permite mobilizarea naturală (cca. 3-5 sec.)

            + faza pasivă – de întindere musculară: adică aplicarea progresivă a forţei externe de către partener, asistent etc. (cca 6-9sec.) după care, punct final + o  singură arcuire energică care nu trebuie să producă dureri; în cazul apariţiei de dureri exerciţiile vor fi oprite şi medicul sportiv va fi imediat consultat.

            5. Fiecare exerciţiu care solicită o articulaţie sau un grup muscular distinct va putea fi repetat de 3-4 ori în acelaşi interval, zi.

            6. Acest regim nu se va executa înaintea concursurilor (1-3 zile)




Mobilitatea unui viitor înotător supus unei acţiuni de selecţie se poate testa foarte uşor prin solicitarea de a executa aceste poziţii; un viitor bun înotător le va efectua cu uşurinţă.


Mobilizarea activă poate fi completată de mobilizarea pasivă (cu partener)


Mobilitatea umerilor este un punct cheie a unui bun înotător; la fel şi cea a şoldurilor

 Stretching the muscles of the neck and the spine - the trapezius muscles and the vertebral troughs very demanded when swimming
Active mobilizations completed by passive ones in the scapular-uterine joint

Passive mobilization of foot paw articulation: first for crwawl swim, back, dolphin, second suction

Shoulder mobility practiced in a symmetrical position specific to swimming


Other types of exercise designed to develop mobility

(* Graphics from Swimming Manual, FINA TSC, 1988, Seoul)

(* Graphics from Swimming Manual, FINA TSC, 1988, Seoul)

(* Graphics from Swimming Manual, FINA TSC, 1988, Seoul)


Intinderea musculaturi gâtului şi a coloanei vertebrale – a muschiului trapez şi a jgheburilor vertebrale foarte solicitate la înot
Mobilizări active completate de cele pasive în articulaţia scapulo-umerală

Mobilizarea pasivă a articulaţiei labei piciorului: prima pentru mişcările de înot crwawl, spate, delfin.., a doua pentru bras

Mobilitatea umerilor exersată în poziţie simetrică specifică la înot


Alte tipuri de exerciţii destinate dezvoltării mobilităţii

(* grafica din Swimming Manual, FINA TSC ; 1988, Seul)

(* grafica din Swimming Manual, FINA TSC ; 1988, Seul)

(* grafica din Swimming Manual, FINA TSC ; 1988, Seul)

Anexa 5 C

Exerciţii selectate din lucrarea
Muskelkraft durch Partenerubungen,
W.Gain, J.Hartmann, Sportverlag Berlin, 1985

Mobilitate la umeri si coloana

Mobilitate cu învingerea rezistenţei

Diverse prize de mobilizare a umerilor

Suite de exerciţii de forţă - supleţe


 the end <<<<<